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Why not. Go closer to the chimes and you will measure more decibels. The closer the louder.

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Q: Can the sound of chimes be measured in decibels?
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Which element of music is measured in decibels?

The loudness or volume of music is measured in decibels. Decibels are a unit used to quantify the intensity of sound.

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Sound is measured in what types of unit?

Sound is typically measured in units such as decibels (dB) or Hertz (Hz). Decibels measure the intensity or loudness of sound, while Hertz measure the frequency or pitch of sound.

What unit is sound measured in and What is the symbol?

Sound is measured in decibels and is symbolized dB

What unit are sound waves measured in?

•Sound can be measured in many ways such as decibels. There is a special machine which you can by that measures how many decibels something makes. A pin makes 10 decibels where as a loud persons or a stereo can make up to 80 decibels. Volume is measured in decibels. So Frequency is measured in hertz

What is the measure of sound?

Sound is usually measured in Hertz.

Sound is measured by what unit?

Decibels (dB)

Sound is a messure in what unit?

sound is measured in decibles

Loudness or sound level is measure in units called?

Loudness or sound level is measured in units called decibels (dB).

How is sound mesaured?

Sound is measured in decibels. A decibel is 10logPower Out/Power In.

What are waves measured in?

•Sound can be measured in many ways such as decibels. There is a special machine which you can by that measures how many decibels something makes. A pin makes 10 decibels where as a loud persons or a stereo can make up to 80 decibels. Volume is measured in decibels. So Frequency is measured in hertz

What is sound mesured in?

Sound is measured in units called decibels (dB). Decibels quantify the intensity or loudness of sound and are used to compare different levels of sound from quiet to loud.