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It is impossible if the two vectors are of unequal magnitude.

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Q: Can the sum of 2 vectors be 0 if they are of unequal magnitude?
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When Two vectors have unequal magnitude can their sum be zero explain reason?

No two vectors of unequal magnitude cannot give the sum 0 because for 0 sum the 2 vectors must be equal and in opposite direction

What is the magnitude of the two vectors having a sum of zero?

If their sum (resultant) is 0, then the magnitude of the resultant must be 0.

When do you get a magnitude of 0 in vector?

The magnitude of a vector is 0 if the magnitude is given to be 0.The magnitude of the resultant of several vectors in n-dimensional space is 0 if and only if the components of the vectors sum to 0 in each of a sewt of n orthogonal directions.

What is the Minimum number of vectors with unequal magnitudes whose vector sum can be zero?

The minimum number of vectors with unequal magnitudes whose vector sum can be zero is two. These vectors must have magnitudes and directions that cancel out when added together to result in a zero vector sum.

Can the sum of magnitudes of two vectors ever be equal to the magnitude of the sum of these two vectors?

Sure, if the two vectors point in the same direction.When we need the sum of magnitudes of two vectors we simply add the magnitudes, but to get the magnitude of the sum of these two vectors we need to add the vectors geometrically.Formula to find magnitude of the sum of these two vectors is sqrt[ |A|2 +|B|2 +2*|A|*|B|*cos(z) ] where |A| and |B| are magnitudes of two A and B vectors, and z is the angle between the two vectors.Clearly, magnitude of sum of two vectors is less than sum of magnitudes(|A| + |B|) for all cases except when cos(z)=1(for which it becomes = |A| + |B| ). Cos(z)=1 when z=0, i.e. the vectors are in the same direction(angle between them is 0).Also if we consider addition of two null vectors then their sum is zero in both ways of addition.So, we get two caseswhen the two vectors are in same direction, andwhen the two vectors are null vectors.In all other cases sum of magnitudes is greater than magnitude of the sum of two vectors.

What is the minimum possible magnitude of two vectors?

The minimum possible magnitude that results from the combintion of two vectors is zero. That's what happens when the two vectors have equal magnitudes and opposite directions.The maximum possible magnitude that results from the combintion of two vectors is the sum of the two individual magnitudes. That's what happens when the two vectors have the same direction.

Can the sum of of the magnitudes of two vectors ever be equal to the magnitudes of the sum of these two vectors?

Yes, the Triangle Inequality states that the sum of the magnitudes of two vectors can never be equal to the magnitude of the sum of those two vectors. Mathematically, if vectors a and b are non-zero vectors, then |a| + |b| ≠ |a + b|.

What is the magnitude of the resultant of a pair of perpendicular 300 N vectors?

The magnitude depends on the angle between the vectors. The magnitude could be from 0 to 600 N.

What is the angle between two vectors if their sum is to be maximum?

The resultant vector has maximum magnitude if the vectors act in concert. That is, if the angle between them is 0 radians (or degrees). The magnitude of the resultant is the sum of the magnitudes of the vectors.For two vectors, the resultant is a minimum if the vectors act in opposition, that is the angle between them is pi radians (180 degrees). In this case the resultant has a magnitude that is equal to the difference between the two vectors' magnitudes, and it acts in the direction of the larger vector.At all other angles, the resultant vector has intermediate magnitudes.

Can the magnitude if the difference between two vectors ever be greater than the magnitude of their sum?

No, the magnitude of the difference between two vectors cannot be greater than the magnitude of their sum. This is due to the triangle inequality, which states that the magnitude of the sum of two vectors is always greater than or equal to the magnitude of their difference.

What is the minimum numbers of unequal vectors to result into a null vector?

Two vectors; V1 + V2=0 where V1= -V2, two opposite vectors.

Can the sum of two or three vectors ever be zero?

Yes. Two vectors that have equal magnitude and point in opposite directions have a sum of zero. (Like <1,0> and <-1,0>, one pointing in the positive x direction and one in negative x direction. The same idea applies with three vectors. For example, <1,0,0>, <-1,1,0> and <0,-1,0> have a sum of <0,0,0>.