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Q: Can the x component of momentum be constant even if the y component is changing?
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If a ferris wheel is rotating at constant speed is it moving at a constant velocity?

No. Velocity combines speed and the direction of motion.Constant velocity is constant speed in a straight line.In circular motion, the velocity is always changing even if the speed is constant,because the direction is always changing.

Acceleration is an increase of speed during a given interval of time?

No. It is the change in velocity (not speed) during a given interval of time. It can be an increase or a decrease although a decrease is also called a deceleration.The distinction between velocity and speed can best be illustrated by an object going round in a circle at a constant speed. It is changing direction all the time so that its velocity is constantly changing. It is constantly accelerating even though it is travelling at constant speed.

Can you find the examples when the rate of change of momentum reduces?

Ok, we know that momentum is mass*velocity. To create a change we need to either change velocity or mass. This is where elastic and inelastic collision come into place. Rate of momentum changes in both collision cases. To reduce the rate of change of momentum, even though this is a little vague, you'll need to reduce the changes in either mass or velocity. Such that the momentum at point A, for instance, reduces momentum at point B and then C and so forth (by constantly reducing velocity). A live example is gas molecules, they have numerous collisions and the momentum constantly changes by variation in velocities. But remember the momentum of a system is conserved, that's a thing you'd probably need to know too to understand. Hope that helps.

Is it possible for a body to have an acceleration when moving with constant speed explain?

Yes, it's acceleration will be zero because the velocity isn't changing, but it has an acceleration. Think of it in terms of integration and derivation. Acceleration is the derivative of velocity, so if velocity is a constant number the acceleration must be zero.Generally if value of acceleration is "zero", we consider it to mean that there is NO acceleration. The question that was actually answered above was "Can acceleration be DEFINED fora body moving at constant speed?"It is possible for an object to be moving at a constant angular speed and yet have an effective acceleration in a tangential direction.===========================================Both of you guys are missing the most important point here, with the resultthat you have to twist your own arm almost to the point of dislocation in orderto state an answer.The essential underlying consideration is that, contrary to popular misconception,"acceleration" does not mean 'speeding up', or even 'changing speed'. It means"change in velocity", and "velocity" means "speed anddirection". If either speedor direction change, then that means there is 'acceleration'.The answer to the question is simple, and almost entirely non-technical. It is:"Yes, because 'acceleration' means change of either speed or direction. So, ifthe direction of the body's motion is changing, then the body has acceleration,even if its speed is constant."

Can the car accelerate if the speedometer of a car indicates a constant speed?

no. see the definition of acceleration. it can remain a constant speed while the velocity changes. *Edit* Actually, the answer is yes. The algebraic formula for acceleration is displacement over time but you are only thinking in terms of linear motion, or in the case of this scenario, a straight road. But when the car follows the road as it snakes or rounds a bend its acceleration is changing even if its speed is not. A more specific definition of acceleration is the change in velocity over the change in time. Velocity is a measurement of speed but with a direction and when an object goes into a circular motion path (or any motion path that isn't linear) its velocity is continually changing and a change in velocity means a change in acceleration. Plainly put, if the car turns a corner with a constant speed, the magnitude is constant but the acceleration vector is not.

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A: As an engineer it surely like to drink to that. No the coefficient varies from component to component and even with the environment to boot.

If you are traveling around a curve at a constant speed of 30 km is the veiocity change?

Yes, the velocity is changing. Velocity is a quantity composed of the speed and the direction of motion. Constant velocity means: Constant speed, in a straight line. If the direction is changing, then the velocity is changing, even if the speed is constant.

Can an object with constant speed be accelerating?

No, an object with constant speed is not accelerating. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so if the speed of an object is constant, its velocity is not changing and therefore there is no acceleration.

Is momentum conserved if there is no friction?

Yes, momentum is still conserved even if there is no friction. In the absence of external forces, the total momentum of a system remains constant. Friction only affects the conversion of kinetic energy into other forms of energy, but does not change the overall momentum of the system.

What happens to the momentum if the mass of the object increases?

If the mass of an object increases, its momentum also increases. Momentum is directly proportional to mass, so an increase in mass will result in a proportional increase in momentum, given that the velocity remains constant.

Can an object be accelerated if it has a constant speed?

Yes. Acceleration means either speed or direction is changing. If direction is changing,then that's acceleration, even if speed is constant.

Would no momentum be conserved for the system if momentum were not a vector quantity?

No, momentum conservation is a fundamental principle in physics and it would still hold even if momentum were not a vector quantity. Momentum conservation simply states that the total momentum in a system remains constant unless acted upon by an external force. Whether momentum is treated as a vector or scalar quantity does not change this principle.

If a ferris wheel is rotating at constant speed is it moving at a constant velocity?

No. Velocity combines speed and the direction of motion.Constant velocity is constant speed in a straight line.In circular motion, the velocity is always changing even if the speed is constant,because the direction is always changing.

Why achanging velocity cannot maintaining constant speed?

Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction. If the velocity is changing, it means either the speed, direction, or both are changing. Therefore, if the velocity is changing, the object cannot maintain a constant speed.

What is momentum transfer?

Momentum transfer refers to the exchange of momentum between two objects or systems during a collision or interaction. It involves the transfer of momentum from one object to another, leading to changes in their velocities and directions of motion. The principle of momentum conservation states that the total momentum in a closed system remains constant before and after the interaction, even if it is transferred between objects.

What is an example of constant speed with changing velocity?

An example of constant speed with changing velocity is a car moving in a circular path. The speed of the car remains constant, but the velocity changes because the direction of the car is constantly changing as it moves around the curve.

How can a car accelerate if its speed is constant?

A car can accelerate even if its speed is constant by changing its direction or increasing its velocity. For example, if a car is moving in a circle, it is constantly changing its direction, resulting in acceleration. Additionally, if a car is moving at a constant speed and then speeds up, it is also accelerating.