There can be any number of points on a plane, or even on a line - and any number of lines on a plane.
yes if it is a square of recatgle
If they lie in the same plane.
coplaner points- are points lying on his the same plane,.. solution: plane R contains XY XY contains X and Y...
-lie in the same plane -are collinear
X-Y Coordinates Origin Quadrants Points
No. If the four points are coplanar, they determine only one plane!
yes if it is a square of recatgle
Any 4 points can lie in a plane, 3 points determine a plane and just take the 4th to be say the origin.
all of them are collinear they lie in the same plane
A plane has an infinite number of points. It takes 3 points to fix a plane i.e. you need 3 points to identify one unique plane.
If they lie in the same plane.
coplaner points- are points lying on his the same plane,.. solution: plane R contains XY XY contains X and Y...
The set of all points in the plane equidistant from one point in the plane is named a parabola.
lie on the same plane and are collinear
-lie in the same plane -are collinear