It means that when the number is divided into nine it comes out as a whole number, or a number that is not a decimal.
As the definition of a prime number is 'a number that can only be divided by one or itself, and still leave a whole number.' Anything in the eight times table would be divisible by two and four. 27 can also be divided by both three and nine.
That would be 108... 9X12
The number sixty-three thousand two hundred ninety nine divided by the number twelve is 5274.97. The number 12 is not equally divided into the number 63,299.
It means that when the number is divided into nine it comes out as a whole number, or a number that is not a decimal.
As the definition of a prime number is 'a number that can only be divided by one or itself, and still leave a whole number.' Anything in the eight times table would be divisible by two and four. 27 can also be divided by both three and nine.
Yes, by definition a composite number is a number that is divisible by another whole number besides one and itself. The only other whole number that nine is divisible by is three. Hope it helped!
That would be 108... 9X12
you must first divide a number by three...Such as a third of the number nine is three because nine divided by three is three! :-) Or you can multiply a number by a third...Such as saying 9 * 1/3 = 9/3 = 3 Hope that that was helpful
' 693 ' is the only one.
3/5 divided into nine = 15
(-9) / 3 = -3 . Minus nine divided by three is equal to minus three