Any two lines that meet must be in a plane. The plane may not necessarily be horizontal or vertical such as X-Y or X-Z or Y-Z
Perpendicular lines have to intersect to make a right angle Like this: + Intersecting lines don't have to intersect to make a right angle Like this: X
Yes they intersect at 90 degrees
A closed, plain figure bounded by three or more line segments. These lines cannot be curved and they cannot intersect. A polygon must also fall on a single plane.
If the two lines are parallel, they will never connect. A straight line drawn across those lines will intersect them at identical angles. If you have perpendicular lines, they intersect and all four angles that they make are 90 degrees.
Three or more straight lines in a plane such that they intersect pairwise.
Lines don't travel. Perpendicular lines are lines that make angles of 90 degrees with each other at the point where they intersect.
If the lines are in the same plane and never intersect they are always parallel. Two line can not intersect and be parallel if they are in different planes though. Take a cube for example, if you have one Sid of it and take the edge and then go to the opposite side and make a horizontal line they will never intersect but are also not parallel.
The question does not make sense. Parallel lines, by definition, do not intersect.
Perpendicular lines always intersect and make 90 degree angles. Parallel lines never intersect with each other.
Perpendicular lines have to intersect to make a right angle Like this: + Intersecting lines don't have to intersect to make a right angle Like this: X
Both lines intersect other lines, but the difference is a perpendicular line intersects another line at a 90 degree angle meanwhile the intersecting lines can meet at any angle
Non-perpendicular intersecting lines.
Yes they intersect at 90 degrees
perpendicular. maybe you should get an education