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Over the short term, doubtful. Your bigger problem in the the short term is chafing.

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Q: Can walking with 5 pound ankle weights be damaging to the joints?
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Can walking with 5 pound ankle weights be damaging to the joints while walking?

Yes, you will put strain on them.

Is it bad for your joints to add hand or ankle weights to your walking/running routine?

No, it is good because they work out your muscles more.

Do Ankle Weights Mess up What if your Knees?

Ankle weights can potentially increase strain on your knees during exercise, which may lead to knee pain or injury. It is advisable to use ankle weights cautiously and ensure that they are used correctly to avoid putting excessive stress on the knee joints. If you have knee problems, it might be best to consult with a healthcare professional before using ankle weights.

What are three types of joints involved in walking?

Three types of joints involved in walking are the hip joint, knee joint, and ankle joint. These joints work together to allow for smooth and coordinated movement during walking, providing stability and mobility.

If wearing 5 pound ankle weights how far will you have walked in a hour?

Depends on stride length. Strength of your legs. How fast you are walking.

Who makes the best ankle weights?

The Cathe Ergo Wing Ankle Weights are highly recommended.

Do ankle weights help with thigh fat?

Using ankle weights can definetley help with reducing thigh weight.

Do ankle weights increase your height?

No, ankle weights make a more harder to lift which give better results.

What ankle weights are the most comfortable to use?

Nordic Track makes some very comfortable ankle weights.

Where your gliding joints?

Gliding Joints can be found in your ankles, wrists and spine.

Where can one find inexpensive ankle weights for sale?

One should not have a problem purchasing inexpensive ankle weights. Some online sources for inexpensive ankle weights are: Sports Unlimited, Nextag, Beso, and Bizrate.

What are the ankle bones classified as?
