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Q: Can we guess who you are in 20 questions?
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Related questions

What is the Origin of the idiom 20 questions?

The idiom "20 Questions" originates from a guessing game where one participant thinks of an object and the other participant asks up to 20 yes-or-no questions to guess what it is. The aim is to guess correctly within the limit of 20 questions.

Is Guess Who a board game?

Guess Who? is best described as a board game version of 20 questions.

Can you out smart the 20 questions game?

If you are referring to the electronic, hand-held version of the game, it is possible to outsmart it. After it asks its 20 questions, it will guess what you are thinking about. If you say no, it will ask 3 more questions and then guess again. If you say no a second time, then you have outsmarted it!

When will reach 20 million questions?

With over 15 million questions, growing by the day, it's anybody's guess.

How does 20q game work?

The game 20 Q requests the player to think of something, and tries to guess their thoughts using 20 yes-or-no questions.

What is 20 questions?

20 Questions is a game where you think of a thing (either a person, place, thing, animal, etc.) and the other person can ask you 20 questions about it to try and guess what you are thinking of. For example: You think of spider The first question your partner asks is: Is it a person? You answer: No Then your partner asks: Is it an animal? You answer: Yes Then your partner asks: Is it a mammal? You answer: No And so on...

My birthday is in January what is the minimum number of yesno questions you need to ask to guess the date of my birth?

Your birthday is January 20.

What is 90 percent of 20 questions?

90% of 20 questions = 90*20/100 questions = 1800/100 = 18 questions.

How many questions are in the War and Peace AR test?

There are 20 questions.

Can we guess your type in 10 questions?


When will gamestop get more wireless afterglow headsets?

Your guess is as good as the guess anyone answering these questions will have. Normal people answer these questions, not a psychic computer robot.

Is it worth it to guess on 5 SAT questions?

If they are questions that you have NO IDEA about then it probably wouldn't be SO terrible to guess, but if you cane eliminate one or more of the possibilities and then guess among the remaining options, it would be better.