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Q: Can you awnser my every question?
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u say that wikiawnsers can awnser every question but they cant

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do not trust that DOLLENDORF guys awnsers every awnser i have gotten from him has been incorrect by the way the awnser to this question is sercurity reform

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you cam ake a question or answer a question to earn pints

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the awnser to this question is if you dont know the awnser you are a bunch of idiots

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Boat And If U No The Awnser To My Question Can U Awnser

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she charictarisly did not awnser the question ha ha theres ur awnser

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i woundent thaught that some body would ask that question cause the awnser is easy. the awnser is kechup

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to awesome to awnser the question>>>>>>>

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i have no clew about the awnser to this question

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y did nobody awnser this question

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Google this question and you will find the awnser