Actually its 451 and it is how many degrees in Fahrenheit is the heat that will take the book pages to burn down.
400 °F = 204.44 °CThe conversion formula is C = 5/9 (F - 32)Celsius temperature = 5/9 x (Fahrenheit temperature - 32)C (Celsius) = [ F (Fahrenheit) - 32] x 5/9= [400-32] x 5/9 = 368x5/9= 204.4 Celsius400 degrees Fahrenheit is 204.4 degrees Celsius.
You blow pure oxygen on it or supply it with pure oxygen. It gets white hot to the point that it will blind you.
Heart Protector is out of balance
it burn at 420 degrees Fahrenheit
it burn at 420 degrees Fahrenheit
The wood in a match can burn at temperatures exceeding 1,000 degrees Celsius (1,832 degrees Fahrenheit).
Wood does not burn at exactly 3000 degrees Fahrenheit. Wood typically ignites and begins to burn at temperatures around 500 degrees Fahrenheit, but the exact temperature can vary based on factors such as moisture content and type of wood. Once ignited, the heat from the burning wood can reach temperatures well above 3000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Food can burn your mouth at temperatures above 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
Food can burn your tongue at temperatures above 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
140 degrees Fahrenheit
Yes, it is.
Books typically burn at temperatures between 400-600 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on factors such as the type of paper used and the presence of other flammable materials like bindings or covers.
Salt does not burn. It has a high melting point of 1474 degrees Fahrenheit (801 degrees Celsius) and will transform into liquid form before burning.
462 degrees Celsius is very hot, equivalent to 863.6 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature, most materials would burn or melt.