No, rhombus refers to its shape, not the fact that is has four equal sides. You could call a rhombus an equilateral parallelogram by why would you want to? Also, would you then call a square a rhombic rectangle?
A square is also a rectangle, a rhombus, a parallelogram, and a quadrilateral.
I believe it's called a rhombus:)
None of that is true of a rhombus. -- A rhombus must have two pairs of parallel sides. -- A rhombus need not have any square corners. But if it has any at all, then it has four of them, and most people looking at it would call it a square.
FALSE a square is a rhombus but a rhombus is not a square
No. That word is already taken. The square is a rhombus with a right angle.
No, rhombus refers to its shape, not the fact that is has four equal sides. You could call a rhombus an equilateral parallelogram by why would you want to? Also, would you then call a square a rhombic rectangle?
A square is also a rectangle, a rhombus, a parallelogram, and a quadrilateral.
A square is always a rhombus, but a rhombus is notalways a square.
A square is always a rhombus, but a rhombus is notalways a square.
A rhombus is always equilateral. It need not be equiangular, but if it is, then most people look at it and call it a "square".
I believe it's called a rhombus:)
square or rhombus
Every rhombus has four equal sides, but only a very few of them are squares.
no a square is not a rhombus
no a square is not a rhombus
None of that is true of a rhombus. -- A rhombus must have two pairs of parallel sides. -- A rhombus need not have any square corners. But if it has any at all, then it has four of them, and most people looking at it would call it a square.