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You can do brain training, but it's an innate charachteristic, go here for more information about IQ: [See related link below for IQ test]

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Q: Can you change your intelligence quotient?
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Can a person change their intelligence Quotient ''IQ''?


What is the full form of IQ?

I.Q. Stands for Intelligence Quota. Actually, it stands for Intelligence Quotient.

What is the abbreviation IQ used for?

Intelligence Quotient

What does the Q mean in IQ?

(Intelligence) Quotient

How is intelligence measures?

Intelligence quotient (IQ)

The best way to abbreviate the plural of Intelligence Quotient?

IQs is the abbreviated plural of Intelligence Quotient

What does IQ mean in intelligence testing?

Intelligence Quotient

What is the shorthand word for intelligence?

IQ stands for intelligence quotient.

What is meant by IQ?

Intelligence Quotient

What does you I Q stand for?

Intelligence Quotient

What 's IQ?

Intelligence Quotient

What means by IQ?

Intelligence Quotient