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Q: Can you claim gst on payments made on scotia line?
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Can you claim your father's mortgage interest?

No, not if you didn't pay it. Generally, as a co-signer, you can only claim any interest payments you made. You can read more about it at the related link.

Who made Nova Scotia's flag?

The flag of Nova Scotia was made by Betsy Ross.

Are payments made to the IRS while working as an independent contractor counted as a deduction when filing taxes?

No. They are counted as "estimated tax payments" which is line 63 on tax form 1040.

What are the circumstances of a endowment claim?

Endownment claims can be made if the endowment was not right for you or the sale didn't follow the rules that had been set. Also, a claim can be made if your mortgage payments will continue into your retirement or if you were told by an advisor to cash in your endowment to purchase another one, which is known as "churning."

What does accept assignment mean if selected on a claim for non-government insurance company?

It means you agree to have assignment of benefits (payments) made to the provider of service(s).

Your uncle and you have a home titled together and he has now died but I have made the payments for the last four years does his wife have a claim on your house?

Did your deceased uncle leave a will? He may have left some instruction as to who inherits his stake in the house. If he didn't, then yes, his wife will inherit his stake in the house, despite the fact that you have made the payments for the past four years (although you can ask her to make her share of the payments).

How do you go about undoing a quit claim deed that was forged and recorded at courthouse by a person committing fraud and how do I reclaim my property that I still have a contract payments and deed?

You would need to hire an attorney and go to court and provide proof of your claim. Then the quit claim deed would have to be made null and void.

What is interim payments?

An interim payment is a partial payment that is made on a good faith basis to assist you in getting repairs done on the home. The remainder of the claim will be given to you at the completion of the repairs.

Does pay-pal take taxes out of payments made to you?

No,paypal does not take taxes out of payments made to you

How does a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) work in terms of making payments?

A Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) works by allowing homeowners to borrow against the equity in their home. Payments are typically made monthly and can vary based on the amount borrowed and the interest rate. Homeowners can choose to pay only the interest or make payments towards the principal balance as well.

Does Medicaid have rights to a property?

For persons over age 65 and nursing home residents, the state may file a lien on real property and an estate claim to recover payments made by Medicaid.

Does pay-pal take taxes out of payments made to you for doing an online job Or do you have to claim that during annual income tax?

PayPal does not withhold taxes from any payments processed through them. You are responsible for reporting this and any other income you have like this on Schedule C of your 1040 tax return.