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Q: Can you compare an expected value to a calculated value?
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What are the purpose of Valuation?

Valuation is the process by which analysts determine the current or expected value of a stock, company, or asset. The goal of valuation is to appraise a security and compare the calculated value to the current market price in order to identify attractive investment candidates.

As the sample size increases what does the expected value of M do?

You have not defined M, but I will consider it is a statistic of the sample. For an random sample, the expected value of a statistic, will be a closer approximation to the parameter value of the population as the sample size increases. In more mathematical language, the measures of dispersion (standard deviation or variance) from the calculated statistic are expected to decrease as the sample size increases.

Is the expected value the same as the standard deviation?

No. The expected value is the mean!

What is the meaning of expected value in a probability distribution?

The expected value is the average of a probability distribution. It is the value that can be expected to occur on the average, in the long run.

How can you calculate interference factor?

The interference factor can be calculated by dividing the observed frequency of double crossovers by the expected frequency of double crossovers. This value represents how much the actual frequency deviates from the expected frequency due to interference.

How do i find expected value in a martingale system?

The expected value of a Martingale system is the last observed value.

What is a sample statistics?

It is a value calculated from the sample values only.It is a value calculated from the sample values only.It is a value calculated from the sample values only.It is a value calculated from the sample values only.

Pablo rolled a standard die times He got a 1 twelve times How does this result compare to the expected results?

The expected values were 2 of each value. This differs significantly from what was expected. You could show that the die is most likely not fair by using a chi squared test for goodness of fit.

What is the mean of a normal distribution?

It is the expected value of the distribution. It also happens to be the mode and median.It is the expected value of the distribution. It also happens to be the mode and median.It is the expected value of the distribution. It also happens to be the mode and median.It is the expected value of the distribution. It also happens to be the mode and median.

A pure gift is?

something for which a "return" is not expected or calculated.

Difference between mean and expected value?

For a population the mean and the expected value are just two names for the same thing. For a sample the mean is the same as the average and no expected value exists.

What is the chi square test used for?

The chi-squared test is used to compare the observed results with the expected results. If expected and observed values are equal then chi-squared will be equal to zero. If chi-squared is equal to zero or very small, then the expected and observed values are close. Calculating the chi-squared value allows one to determine if there is a statistical significance between the observed and expected values. The formula for chi-squared is: X^2 = sum((observed - expected)^2 / expected) Using the degrees of freedom, use a table to determine the critical value. If X^2 > critical value, then there is a statistically significant difference between the observed and expected values. If X^2 < critical value, there there is no statistically significant difference between the observed and expected values.