Not really, since roman numerals don't have units smaller then one.
No, fractions cannot be changed into decimals using Roman numerals. Roman numerals are a numeral system used in ancient Rome, which does not have a way to represent fractions or decimal numbers. Decimal numbers are represented using a base-10 system with digits ranging from 0 to 9.
Roman numerals do not include decimals although the Romans did use fractions to a limited extent.
Yes, the answer can be found in WikiAnswers Roman Numerals (Edit categories).
The Romans did not use decimals as we know them today but they did use fractions to a limited extent.
Roman numerals do not make provision for decimals. 22 is XXII
No, fractions cannot be changed into decimals using Roman numerals. Roman numerals are a numeral system used in ancient Rome, which does not have a way to represent fractions or decimal numbers. Decimal numbers are represented using a base-10 system with digits ranging from 0 to 9.
Roman numerals don't have decimals but to a certain extent they do include fractions if needed
If you mean as in Roman numerals then no conversions can be made because the Romans didn't use decimals but they did use fractions to a limited extent as for example the numeral S is equivalent to a 1/2
Roman numerals do not include decimals although the Romans did use fractions to a limited extent.
Yes, the answer can be found in WikiAnswers Roman Numerals (Edit categories).
The Romans did not use decimals as we know them today but they did use fractions to a limited extent.
Roman numerals do not make provision for decimals. 22 is XXII
In decimals, 13.06.1996 is XIII.VI.MCMXCVI
Roman numerals are very difficult to do mathematics with, and do not work at all in advanced mathematics as the roman numeral system has no concept of zero, negative numbers, fractions, powers, or decimals.
Convert from Roman numerals to Arabic numerals, add, convert back to Roman numerals.
No,decimal numbers and whole numbers are not counted in Roman Numerals,ROman nUmerals are meant only for natural Numbers.