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Movies come in different qualities; the amount of kilobytes or megabytes per minute can vary widely. I suggest you get a sample of a movie in the desired quality, and divide the file size by the number of minutes, to get an idea. For your calculations, note that 1 Gigabyte = 1024 Megabytes - which you can round to 1000 for most practical purposes.

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Q: Can you convert gigabytes to hours or minutes from a High Definition 5.1 audio movie?
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How many minutes of 20-bit 48 kHz mono audio can fit in 5 GB of drive space?

about 500 minutes

How many minutes of audio book equals 4 GB?

a lot more than u think it is mate!!

How many gigabytes does 10 minutes take up?

Using the average audio rate (128k per second), 10 minutes takes up a mere 10 megabytes, or a scarce 100th of a gigabyte. Remeber: It is usually 1 minute for 1 megabyte.

How many minutes are in 1 gigabyte?

A gigabyte is a unit of information (storage), whereas minutes are time, so they aren't comparable directly. One gigabyte means either one billion bytes, or 2^30 =1073741824 bytes (often called a gibibyte, the "bi" meaning binary, so a giga-binary-byte). Each byte is made up of 8 bits where a bit can be one of two values, such as 1 or 0, or true or false, or yes or no. If you mean "how many minutes of music" or "how many minutes of video" can fit in one gigabyte, that depends. A simple rule of thumb is that using modern compression, 1 megabyte (1/1000th of a gigabyte) can store about one minute of music, or about 7 seconds of standard-definition video, or around 2.5 seconds of high-definition video (both video types including their corresponding audio tracks) . So, 1 gigabyte can store about 1,000 minutes (16 hours, 40 minutes) of music, or about 1.94 hours (1 hour, 53 minutes) of standard-def video, or about 33 minutes of hi-def video.

What is the capacity of DVD and CD?

Disc nameCapacityCD … 7474 minutes of uncompressed audio or ≈650.3 MiB of data (681984000 bytes).CD … 8080 minutes of uncompressed audio or ≈703.1 MiB of data (737280000 bytes).CD … 9090 minutes of uncompressed audio or ≈791.0 MiB of data (829440000 bytes). Disc size cannot be detected automatically and disc needs to be burned using the "Overburn" option.CD … 9999 minutes of uncompressed audio or ≈870.1 MiB of data (912384000 bytes). Disc size cannot be detected automatically and disc needs to be burned using the "Overburn" option.DVD-R (DVD-5)4.7 GB ≈ 4.38 GiB 1) of data (4707319808 bytes).DVD+R (DVD-5)4.7 GB ≈ 4.38 GiB 2) of data (4700372992 bytes).DVD … DL (DVD-9)8.5 GB ≈ 7.95 GiB of data (8543666176 bytes).HD-DVD Single Layer15 GB ≈ 14.0 GiB of data (15076554752 bytes).HD-DVD Dual Layer30 GB ≈ 31.1 GiB of data (33393473536 bytes).BD Single Layer25 GB ≈ 23.3 GiB of data (25025314816 bytes).BD Dual Layer50 GB ≈ 46.6 GiB of data (50050629632 bytes).

39.5 GB equals how many minutes of video tape?

Storage limits do not translate into time limits. It depends on the quality of the video, and the quality of audio. I would say somewhere around 12 hours of video tape high quality + high quality audio.

How many gigabytes is 7.943 minutes?

There is no direct correlation between the binary size of a file and its length. Depending on whether you are referring to audio or video, and the quality and compression settings used, there can be an infinite number of possibilities.

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How many gigabytes does listening to a 12 hour audio book use?

The amount of data used while listening to a 12-hour audiobook depends on the audio quality. On average, audiobooks use about 28-30 MB per hour with standard quality. So, listening to a 12-hour audiobook would use approximately 336-360 MB or 0.336-0.36 GB of data.

How many hours of audio does a 4 GB hold?

a long time

How many gigabytes is ten hours thirty minutes of audio?

The storage space per minute varies a lot depending on the quality of the sound; but for a typical MP3, you can calculate about a MB per minute. That would give you about 30 MB for half an hour; in other words, much less than one GB.

How many hours of audio can an 8 GB flash drive hold?

About 2k songs.