Kcal is a measure of energy while pound is a measure of mass. Short of invoking Einstein's E = mc2 there is no conversion between the two.
convert 20,000 gallons to pounds
Yes, you can. To convert from pounds to ounces (at least in the case of the pounds and ounces used in the USA), you multiply by 16.
It's 110 pounds .
240 kg equates to approximately 529.1 pounds.The following formulas can help you make these types of conversions:To convert pounds to kg: pounds x 0.453 = kgTo convert kg to pounds: kg x 2.204 = pounds
1.192 kg = 2.628 pounds
How to convert kilocalorie to kilograme
since 1 pound = 3500 kcal ... then 145 pounds = 507500 kcal (145 x 3500) hope i helped :D
One Kcal equals 4184J so simply multiply your Kcals with that.
To convert the energy released from kilojoules to kilocalories, we need to use the conversion factor that 1 kcal is equal to 4.184 kJ. First, convert 9560 kJ to kcal: 9560 kJ x (1 kcal / 4.184 kJ) = 2282.3 kcal So, when 100.0g of gasoline undergoes combustion, 2282.3 kcal of energy are released.
k signifies "multiplied by one thousand", so 1000 calories is one kcal. Note, however, that dietetic "Calories" are already equivalent to kcals. They are actually exactly the same. kcal is kilocalories. Sometimes the term Calories is also used with "C" in uppercase. Both are correct and 1 kcal = 1 Cal. When we loosely say 1 Calorie, actually we mean 1 kilocalorie.
To convert pounds to kilograms, you can multiply the weight in pounds by 0.453592. This will give you the equivalent weight in kilograms.
To convert W/mK (watts per meter Kelvin) to kcal/mh°C (kilocalories per meter hour Celsius), you can use the following formula: 1 W/mK = 8.597 kcal/mh°C. Using the conversion factor, you can multiply the value in W/mK by 8.597 to obtain the equivalent value in kcal/mh°C.
To convert 9560 kJ to kilocalories, we need to use the conversion factor 1 kcal = 4.184 kJ. So, 9560 kJ * (1 kcal / 4.184 kJ) ≈ 2282 kcal.
675 kwh = 580,395,537 Cal = 580,296 kcal Source: I think the kilocalorie (kcal) is the "calorie" that nutritionists use.
To calculate how long you need to exercise to expend 100 kcal at an energy rate of 270 W, first convert 100 kcal to Joules (1 calorie = 4.184 J), then divide the energy in Joules by the power in Watts to find the time in seconds. Finally, convert the time from seconds to minutes. In this case, you would need to exercise for approximately 44.3 seconds to expend 100 kcal at an energy rate of 270 W.
convert 20,000 gallons to pounds
Multiply kgs by 2.2 How do I convert kilos into pounds?To convert kilos into pounds, multiply the weight in kilos by 2.2. To convert pounds to kilos, divide the weight in pounds by .45.