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Q: Can you cut a annelid in half and will it live?
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If a worm is cut in half does it grow back?

No, when a worm is cut in half, the part with the head cannot grow back a new tail and the part with the tail cannot grow back a new head. Both halves will eventually die.

Where do annelid's live?

Annelids live in freshwater habitats.

What can be cut in half and live?

a earthworm and a brain

Will the worm live after being cut in half?

Yes it will

Is a platypus an insectivore?

No, the platypus is a carnivore. It feeds on annelid worms, tiny shrimp and annelid worms that live at the bottom of freshwater creeks and rivers.

Why dont worms die if you cut them in half?

IF you cut a worm in half, the bottom half will die because it cannot grow a new head. However, the top half will live and heal.

You cut a snake in half and cant find the half with the head still attached will it still live?

No. If you cut a snake in half you will sever vital organs and major blood vessels.

What type of worms can be cut in half?

it would continue to live because worms have 4 hearts. :) But if you cut a worm in half and it doesent keep moving its because that's really just half of a worm that someone already cut in half

Can starfish be cut in half and live?

Yes, it can if you cut a starfishes arm than it will grow a new one!

What will happen to an earthworm if the clitellum is cut in half?

no you will not get 2 earth worms only the top half of the worm will live if you cut it in half because it's tail will rejenorate while the head on the other half of the worm can not.

Where would you find an annelid?

Annelids live in the ground, in freshwater, and in marine environments.

Can a grasshopper live after being cut in half?

Yes but only for a short time