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Q: Can you cut pantoprazole sod dr 40mg in half?
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What is the difference between pantoprazole sod tb 40 ec mg and pantoprazole sod 40mg dr?

I'd been taking the "EC" variety for several years and because of changes in insurance/pharmacy due to the ACA was switched to the "DR" variety which has not been as effective for me. Needing to suppliment with over the counter antiacids.

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Is Pantoprazole sod dr a steroid?

I believe so

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What is Pantoprazole Sod taken for?

What is Pantaprazole Sod given to an 87 year old female in a nursing home for?

What is the genetic name for pantoprazole sod dr tabs 40mg?

That is the generic name! GENERIC NAME: pantoprazole BRAND NAME: Protonix Pantoprazole is in a class of drugs called proton pump inhibitors (PPI) which block the production of acid by the stomach. Proton pump inhibitors are used for the treatment of conditions such as ulcers, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome that are caused by stomach acid. Pantoprazole blocks enzymes in the wall of the stomach that produce acid. By blocking the enzyme, the production of acid is decreased, and this allows the stomach and esophagus to heal.

How long do you have to take pantoprazole sod before it becomes effective?

30 minutes before meal

Is pantoprazole sod for human consumption?

I hope so as I am taking one tablet per day

Is there a generic for Pantoprazole?

Protonix is a brand equivalent for the generic drug pantoprazole sodium (pantoprazole SOD). Pantoprazole sodium is classified as a proton pump inhibitor, a class of drugs commonly used to suppress gastric acid secretion. The medication is proven effective for conditions such as the esophageal damage caused by acid reflux, which occurs in GERD, or for peptic ulcers that occur as a result of the overproduction of gastric acid in Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

Why is pantoprazole sod 40 only temporary?

Pantoprazole (generic name for Protonix) is a proton pump inhibitor. It reduces the amount of acid being produced in the stomach which can prevent or alleviate the symptoms of acid reflux. Its effects are only temporary (about a day) until the medication is used up. For many people, the medication is taken on a daily basis.

Can a half ton truck carry a pallet of sod?
