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Q: Can you cut valtrex in half in order to swallow easier?
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Diocletian divided the empire in order to make it easier to rule.Diocletian divided the empire in order to make it easier to rule.Diocletian divided the empire in order to make it easier to rule.Diocletian divided the empire in order to make it easier to rule.Diocletian divided the empire in order to make it easier to rule.Diocletian divided the empire in order to make it easier to rule.Diocletian divided the empire in order to make it easier to rule.Diocletian divided the empire in order to make it easier to rule.Diocletian divided the empire in order to make it easier to rule.

What is the only way of getting rid of hicups?

This is the most consistent method I have found for getting rid of hiccups. This only works though if you catch it early though. If you hold your breath and swallow three times you can get rid of your hiccups. I would advise building up saliva before so that it is easier to swallow. Swallow only about half of it the first time, swallow the last bit the second, and then build up more saliva so that you can swallow again.

Do you have to order the numbers from least to greatest when finding interquartile range?

Not strictly: the smallest and largest quarter of them can be in any order (within those subsets), the middle half can be in any order. But it makes it much easier if they are all ordered.

How do you take methadone wafers?

You can disolve them in water or just swallow them in half with water or orange juice.

Am pregnant and you eat and swallow paper is it bad?

no, it is not, depending on how much you eat. how big is the peice you swallow? If It Is half and inch around, it is more likely to hurt and and your baby. please make sure if you do swallow it that it is smaller than that. other than that, it should be harmless

Why are pistachios half open when you buy them?

So that you can open them easier.

How do you get a sore throat really fast?

Do not drink any water for maybe a half an hour, try not to swallow for a while, or talk

Why do some pills have deep lines through them?

The line running though the pill makes the pill easier to cut in half so doctors recommend that you only take a half dose of your medication the line makes it easier to determine exactly where the half mark is.

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In the Summer they live in all the US and the Southern half of Canada. In winter the fly South to South America.

How do you kill half vampire half-humans?

Since there are no real vampires it should be much easier.

Can you swallow calcium and vitamin d tablets whole?

Some calcium tablets are chewed, others are swallowed whole. If vitamin D is in an oil caplet, swallow whole; if in a solid tablet, it does not matter.

If one half of a DNA molecules nitrogen bases has the order of aaaggtctcgga the order of the other half will be?
