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The Mode is another word for the Average. This means that it is the number that is most likely to occur if you repeat the action that gave you the last numbers. To get the mode, it is pretty simple. You first add all the numbers together, and divide them by the amount of numbers you had to begin with.

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Q: Can you define mode
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What are merits and demerits of median and mode in statistics?

A big advantage of statistical mode is that it is not restricted to numbers alone. For example, among all the letters of the English alphabet, the mode is the letter 'E', which is the most frequently encountered letter. However, we cannot define the median or mean letter, since these can only be defined for numbers. This makes the scope of the mode quite broad in nature. The mode (the most reoccurring number) is generally not a very good estimator because there is nothing saying it is necessarily related to the true middle and it could easily just be a number of chance. It can be calculated when table ends are open, the mode is not a helpful measure of location, because there can be more than one mode or even no mode.

What does the word define mean in spanish?

definir - to define defino - I define defines - you (singular, informal) define define - you (singular, formal) define, he/she defines definimos - we define defineis - you (plural, informal) define definen - you (plural, formal)/ they define.