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Q: Can you determine when you use deduction and start from a given set of rules and conditions A. What may be false B. What must be true C. What may be true D. None of these?
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What are Sins?

Answer AA "sin" is a religious construct intended to convey the unacceptability of certain behaviors to those who subscribe to the tenets of the particular religion. Answer BWhat Sin is to some religions are 'Character Faults' to others. Example of Character Faults are; covetuousness, envy, jealosy, harming others, spreading lies, materialism, thievery, egoism, etc. Answer C3 SINS of the body; 1. Murder, 2. Theft, 3. Adultery. 4 SINS of Speech; 1. Lying, 2. Slander, 3. Abuse, 4. Idle Talk.3 SINS of the Mind; 1.Covetousness, 2. Hatred, 3.Ignorance..Answer DA sin is a transgression of the religion commands or the religion laws. The sin is an act or saying of disobedience, intentionally or ignorantly, to God commands and God will. Muslims believe that God, the All-Merciful and the All-Forgiving, allowed his followers to repent when committing a sin. To repent you should admit that you committed a sin, then you should intend not to commit it again, return the rights or the apology to whom is affected by the sin (if any), then you ask God (Allah) for forgiveness. The biggest sin in Islam is setting partners in worship with God (Allah). Quran says (meaning English translation):{Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with him in worship, but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He pleases, and whoever sets up partners with Allah in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin. (48) }[Quran, chapter 4, verse 48]Quran says also:{ Surely, they have disbelieved who say: "Allah is the Messiah ['Iesa (Jesus)], son of Maryam (Mary)." But the Messiah ['Iesa (Jesus)] said: "O Children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Verily, whosoever sets up partners in worship with Allah, then Allah has forbidden Paradise for him, and the Fire will be his abode. And for the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers) there are no helpers. (72)} [Quran, chapter 4, verse 72]Answer:"Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for SIN IS the transgression of the law." (I John 3:4)Sin is the breaking of the Ten Commandments. As Paul says:"...I had not known sin, but BY the law: for I had not known LUST, except the law had said, THOU SHALT NOT COVET." (Rom.7:7)SIN is NOT OBEYING THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. SIN is LAWLESSNESS... disobedience to God's laws.

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What are Sins?

Answer AA "sin" is a religious construct intended to convey the unacceptability of certain behaviors to those who subscribe to the tenets of the particular religion. Answer BWhat Sin is to some religions are 'Character Faults' to others. Example of Character Faults are; covetuousness, envy, jealosy, harming others, spreading lies, materialism, thievery, egoism, etc. Answer C3 SINS of the body; 1. Murder, 2. Theft, 3. Adultery. 4 SINS of Speech; 1. Lying, 2. Slander, 3. Abuse, 4. Idle Talk.3 SINS of the Mind; 1.Covetousness, 2. Hatred, 3.Ignorance..Answer DA sin is a transgression of the religion commands or the religion laws. The sin is an act or saying of disobedience, intentionally or ignorantly, to God commands and God will. Muslims believe that God, the All-Merciful and the All-Forgiving, allowed his followers to repent when committing a sin. To repent you should admit that you committed a sin, then you should intend not to commit it again, return the rights or the apology to whom is affected by the sin (if any), then you ask God (Allah) for forgiveness. The biggest sin in Islam is setting partners in worship with God (Allah). Quran says (meaning English translation):{Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with him in worship, but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He pleases, and whoever sets up partners with Allah in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin. (48) }[Quran, chapter 4, verse 48]Quran says also:{ Surely, they have disbelieved who say: "Allah is the Messiah ['Iesa (Jesus)], son of Maryam (Mary)." But the Messiah ['Iesa (Jesus)] said: "O Children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Verily, whosoever sets up partners in worship with Allah, then Allah has forbidden Paradise for him, and the Fire will be his abode. And for the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers) there are no helpers. (72)} [Quran, chapter 4, verse 72]Answer:"Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for SIN IS the transgression of the law." (I John 3:4)Sin is the breaking of the Ten Commandments. As Paul says:"...I had not known sin, but BY the law: for I had not known LUST, except the law had said, THOU SHALT NOT COVET." (Rom.7:7)SIN is NOT OBEYING THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. SIN is LAWLESSNESS... disobedience to God's laws.

Answers to the scientific method bikini bottom experiments?

Scientific Method Answer KeyBikini Bottom Experiments(1) Flower PowerSpongeBob loves to garden and wants to grow lots of pink flowers for his pal Sandy. He bought aspecial Flower Power fertilizer to see if will help plants produce more flowers. He plants two plants ofthe same size in separate containers with the same amount of potting soil. He places one plant in a sunnywindow and waters it every day with fertilized water. He places the other plant on a shelf in a closet andwaters it with plain water every other day.What did SpongeBob do wrong in this experiment? Explain.SpongeBob did not provide both plants with the same amount of water and sunshine. In order to test thefertilizer correctly, both plants should have been placed in the sunny window and watered every day withthe same amount of water. The only difference between the two plants should have been the fertilizer -one plant would be watered with the water with fertilizer and the other would be watered with plainwater.(What should SpongeBob do to test the effectiveness of Flower Power fertilizer? Write an experiment.Answers will vary. Experiments should address the problems in SpongeBob's experiment.(2) Super SnailsGary is not the smartest snail in Bikini Bottom and believes he can improve his brain power byeating Super Snail Snacks. In order to test his hypothesis, he recruits SpongeBob and several snail friendsto help him with the experiment. The snails ate one snack with each meal every day for three weeks.SpongeBob created a test and gave it to the snails before they started eating the snacks as well as afterthree weeks. Analyze the data in the chart and determine whether or not the Super Snail Snacks createdsmarter snails!Based on the data provided, do the Super Snail Snacks work? Explain your answer.The Super Snail Snacks appear to have worked for Gary and Barry. Both of them increased their testresults after eating the snacks for three weeks. Larry did not show any improvement and Terry scoredlower on his second test. However, it is difficult to determine if the Super Snail Snacks are an effectiveway to increase a snail's brain power based on this experiment alone as all the snails ate the snacks (nocontrol group). The gains shown by Gary and Barry may have been due to the Super Snail Snacks, butfurther testing would be needed to make sure the results were not due to other factors.(3) Bubble TimePatrick loves bubble gum and would like to be able to blow bigger bubbles than anyone else inBikini Bottom. To prepare for the Bikini Bottom Big Bubble Contest, he bought five different brands ofbubble gum and needs your help to find the brand that creates the biggest bubbles. Write an experimentto test the bubble power of the bubble gum brands and help Patrick win the contest.Answers will vary. Students should make sure to perform the same test with each brand in order to obtainreliable results. Repeated trials would generate more data to analyze and help Patrick pick the bestbubble gum brand for the bubble blowing contest.Extension Idea: Provide an opportunity for the students to try their bubble gum tests!1 - Patty PowerWhich people are in the control group? Group BWhat is the independent variable? New sauceWhat is the dependent variable? Amount of gasWhat should Mr. Krabs' conclusion be? The new sauce appears to work as it reduced the amount of gasproduced in 60% of the people tested.Why do you think 10 people in group B reported feeling better? They thought they were getting the new sauce asa result thought that they didn't have as much gas. (Placebo effect)2 -- SlimotosisWhat was the initial observation? Slimotosis on Gary's shellWhat is the independent variable? Cures (Seaweed and Dr. Kelp)What is the dependent variable? Slime and odorWhat should Sponge Bob's conclusion be? Although Gary's symptoms have disappeared, it is not known whichcure was the one that worked. He should redo the experiment and include a control group as well as two othertesting groups for each of the proposed cures.3 -- Marshmallow MusclesWhich person is in the control group? SpongeBobWhat is the independent variable? Muscle creamWhat is the dependent variable? Amount of marshmallows lifted (strength)What should Larry's conclusion be? Since both Patrick and SpongeBob improved their results by the end of twoweeks, it does not appear that the claims for the special muscle cream are true. If the claims were correct, weshould have seen Patrick's amount double, but not SpongeBob's amount. The improvements were likely a resultof Larry's special workout.4 -- Microwave MiracleWhat was Patrick's hypothesis? He hypothesized that feeding fish microwaved food would make them becomesmarter.Which fish are in the control group? The fish that eat regular foodWhat is the independent variable? Microwaved foodWhat is the dependent variable? Time required to complete the mazeLook at the results in the charts. What should Patrick's conclusion be? According to the data, all but two fish ineach group decreased their time through the maze. The special food does not appear to be a big factor inhelping fish become smarter.Note: Of the fish that did improve their times, the fish that were fed the special food averaged a 9.625 secondsdecrease in their times compared to an average decrease of 6.625 seconds in the fish group that received theregular food. This does show a slight improvement for the microwaved food group, but not enough to prove thathis hypothesis was correct. More testing would need to be doneKrusty Krab Breath Mints1. Which people are in the control group? The people who received the mint without the secret ingredient(Group B) would be the control group.2. What is the independent variable? Secret ingredient in the breath mint3. What is the dependent variable? Amount of breath odor (or bad breath)4. What should Mr. Krabs' conclusion be? The breath mint with the secret ingredient appears to reduce theamount of breath odor more than half the time, but it is not 100% effective.5. Why do you think 10 people in group B reported fresher breath? This may be due to the placebo effect.Sponge Bob Clean Pants6. What was the problem? SpongeBob's pants were not clean.7. What is the independent variable? Laundry soap8. What is the dependent variable? Amount of dirt left on the pants (or how clean the pants were)9. What should Sponge Bob's conclusion be? Clean-O laundry soap does not appear to be effective in cleaninghis pants.Squidward's Symphony10. What is the independent variable? Instrument11. What is the dependent variable? Number of jellyfish12. What should Squidward's conclusion be? The clarinet did seem to attract a large number of jellyfish, butthe average number for the three trials also matched the average for the guitar. The flute attracted the leastnumber of jellyfish, but the average for this category is still larger than the control. Music seems to attractjellyfish in greater numbers than when no music is played. Squidward's hypothesis that the clarinet attractslarger numbers of jellyfish than other instruments is not proven by this experiment alone.13. Are the results reliable? Based on the limited amount of information provided, it is difficult to tell ifSquidward's results are reliable. The description did not tell how long each break was between trials. Did heleave enough time for the jellyfish to "clear out" of the area? (NOTE: Accept other potential flaws thatstudents can support.)Super Bubbles14. What did the Super Bubble ads claim? The ads claimed that the Super Bubble solution would producebubbles that were twice as large as those made with regular bubble soap.15. What is the independent variable? Type of bubble solution16. What is the dependent variable? Size (diameter) of the bubble17. a. Calculate the average diameter for each. Super Bubble = 15.1 cm Regular Soap = 11.5 cmb. What should their conclusion be? The Super Bubble solution did not seem to produce bubbles that weretwice as large as those made with the regular soap. Although the average size for the Super Bubblesolution was larger than the average size for the regular soap, it was not "twice as large" as the adsclaimed. In fact, only two of the ten trials had results that would fit the ads claims.18. Are the results reliable? Why or why not? The description does not say who blew the bubbles for eachsolution. There may be differences in bubble sizes due to the person blowing the bubble rather than the bubblesolution. They might have considered having each person blow 5 bubbles with each solution. (NOTE: Acceptother potential flaws that students can support.)