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Q: Can you dive 1000 meter down in the sea?
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How do you dive into the sea in rolypolyland?

you need to be a member to dive into the sea

How do sea otters hunt?

They dive down and then eat. SOmetimes, THey eat chiken and pork

How deep can beluga whales dive?

They feed at depths of around 1000 feet in the sea bed. But, they can dive atleast twice this depth. A typical dive lasts 3 to 5 mins. But, they can submerge upto 20 minutes at a time.

How could a pokemon dive in the sea?

You have to get them to learn the move dive.

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sea snakes can dive in freshwater

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A girl is snorkeling 1 meter below sea level and then dives down another 0.5 meter. How far below sea level is the girl ?

How many feet down do you have to go to get to the deep sea?

1000 FEET

How do you get a relicanth in Pokemon ruby?

Dive somewhere on the sea routes and in the grass down there you can sometimes find relicanth along with clampearl.

Does the blubber whale dive to the bottom of the sea?

im not sure what you mean by "blubber whale" since all whales have blubber but sperm whale do dive down very deep to hunt giant squid.

How do you go ditch sea in Pokemon quartz?

first go to grey stone city second go to the forest named grey swp third go down on till to the firserman ani will give you a masage she said go to dich sea go dive in black part go bettowen go right go down ,down you will find the white side dive thre go right go right and then you will sea the black part dive dire go right right follow the lines on till you find the cvave.

Do whales dive under the sea?

Whales dive to get food. They come back to the surface to breathe.

What depth of sea where most tuna are found?

in the indian ocean 1000 feat down