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Assuming I understand your question:

On an IBM PC keyboard there is a key labeled Ctrl which stands for Control. For a number of functions they will say Press Ctrl plus some other key. For example, Ctrl+C (sometimes written Ctrl-C) copies just like the copy function in the Edit menu.

To copy using Ctrl+C, highlight the area you want to copy, press the Ctrl key and while holding it down, press the C key on the keyboard.

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CTRL C to copy

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This is for a Statistics class and I need help on how to operate step by step this calculator. Use this to help you out: Just ctrl+f what stats function you want, for example variable (when doing variable testing).

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It is because Ctrl+P is reserved for print. The use of Ctrl+V may be to make sure that the undo, cut, copy and pate function keys are adjacent to each other.

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Google likes to be special like that. Plus they want you to use their search engine to look up the answer :P

Hotkey redo Excel?

You can use the Ctrl - Y key combination, or you can use the F4 key.You can use the Ctrl - Y key combination, or you can use the F4 key.You can use the Ctrl - Y key combination, or you can use the F4 key.You can use the Ctrl - Y key combination, or you can use the F4 key.You can use the Ctrl - Y key combination, or you can use the F4 key.You can use the Ctrl - Y key combination, or you can use the F4 key.You can use the Ctrl - Y key combination, or you can use the F4 key.You can use the Ctrl - Y key combination, or you can use the F4 key.You can use the Ctrl - Y key combination, or you can use the F4 key.You can use the Ctrl - Y key combination, or you can use the F4 key.You can use the Ctrl - Y key combination, or you can use the F4 key.

What function key do you use for paste in Word?

You can use the following functions: ctrl + c -----copy ctrl + v -----paste ctrl + a-----choose all ctrl + x -----cut

How do make exponents on your keyboard?

Use superscript. For example, in MS-Word, select the text you want to raise, and press Ctrl and plus.

What is the key you use in Excel to group multiple worksheets?

The Ctrl key.The Ctrl key.The Ctrl key.The Ctrl key.The Ctrl key.The Ctrl key.The Ctrl key.The Ctrl key.The Ctrl key.The Ctrl key.The Ctrl key.

What is the step function of Microsoft Excel?

There is no step function in Excel. However, you can use excel to create a Step Function Chart. See related links for a video to explain the process.