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I'm assuming 1 doesn't count.

4 = 2 + 2

9 = 2 + 7

16 = 3 + 13

25 = 2 + 23

36 = 5 + 31

49 = 2 + 47

64 = 3 + 61

81 = 2 + 79

100 = 3 + 97

121 = ... 119 isn't prime, so the answer is no.

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Q: Can you express every square number up to 144 as the sum of tow prime numbers?
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What are all numbers than make a square?

All numbers can make a square. Every real number makes a positive real square. Every rational number makes a rational square. Every integer makes a perfect square.

Numbers that are square roots that are whole numbers?

Every whole number

What are all the odd square numbers?

There are infinitely many of them. The square of every odd number will be an odd square number.

What square numbers are even and which square numbers are odd?

The square of every positive or negative even whole number is a positive even whole number. The square of every positive or negative odd whole number is a positive odd whole number. There are an infinite number of each kind.

Which numbers are not square number's?

In the complex field, every number is a square so there are no numbers that are not squares. If the domain is reduced to that of real numbers, any negative number is not a square. However, the term "square numbers" (not number's!) is often used to refer to perfect square numbers. These are numbers that are squares of integers. Therefore the squares of fractions or irrational numbers are non-squares.

Does every number have an even number of factors?

No, square numbers have an odd number of factors.

How many square numbers between 1 80?

Infinitely many, since every number in that range is a square of some other number. There are 7 perfect square numbers.

What are all the square roots of every number?

Asking for a list for "every number" really doesn't make sense; there are infinitely many numbers, even if you are referring only to whole numbers. You can get the square root of specific numbers on any calculator.

Which numbers are NOT perfect squares?

In the complex field, every number is a square so there are no numbers that are not squares. If the domain is reduced to that of real numbers, any negative number is not a square. However, the term "square numbers" (not number's!) is often used to refer to perfect square numbers. These are numbers that are squares of integers. Therefore the squares of fractions or Irrational Numbers are non-squares.

Is non-real numbers exist?

no, every number is a real number --- There are numbers that are not real numbers. They are called imaginary numbers, and have the property that when they are squared, the result is negative. The square root of -1 is called i, and the square root of any other negative number is i times the square root of the absolute value of the number. So the square root of -4 is 2i.

Rational numbers who square roots are whole numbers?

Every integer is a rational number, and some integers are perfect squares. These are the only rational numbers to have an integral square root.

Are all square numbers also composite numbers explain?

Every square number (except 1) is composite. Prime numbers only have two factors, one and the numbers themselves. Since square numbers also have at least the square roots as factors, they have to be composite.