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(1) x (3) x (5) x (7) x (9) x (11) x (13) x (15) x (17) x (19) x (21) x (23) is an odd number,

but it's too big for my calculator to display, so I can't tell exactly what the number is.

I think it's also the smallest odd number that has 12 factors.

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Q: Can you find an odd number that has 12 factors?
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Can you Find an odd number with 12 factors that is less than 100?

No, and we doubt that you can either.

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The factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12. The odd factors of 12 are the factors that are not divisible by 2, which are 1, 3, and 12. These odd factors are numbers that can be multiplied together to give the number 12 without involving the number 2.

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Any odd prime number to the eleventh power, like 177147 or 48828125.

Which odd number has 12 factors?

Well,I know that 9999 is one number:)

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