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Only approximately. Since pi is an irrational number, it cannot be expressed numerically, but only symbolically. You can put a dot on the line very close to where pi would be, but if the scale of the line were magnified enough, there would always be some error in the placement of the dot.

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Q: Can you find pi on the number line?
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What is the number that you use to find pi?

the number is that you use for pi is 3.14 the number is that you use for pi is 3.14

What number comes before pi?

Any negative number comes before pi in the number line.

How do you find your birthday in Pi?

To find a number in Pi, see the link below

Pi is an irrational number. How do you show pi on the number line?

It is very had to show that but you could approximate it with 22/7. (or just round it to 3.14159265) 22/7=3.142857142857... pi=3.14159265...

Is it possible to find the whole number of pi?

Nope - Pi is an infinite number. The fractional equivalent is 22/7 which can never be a whole number.

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How do you express irrational number on a number line?

Simply plot the irrational number at it's approximate location on the number line and label the irrational number. For example, if you were to plot pi on the number line, you would plot it at about 3.14 and label it with "π" (the pi symbol, if it doesn't show up) Another example is if you want to plot the square root of 2 on the number line. You would plot it at around 1.414 and label it with "√2"

Find two irrational numbers whose sum is a rational number?

(pi - 1) and (2 - pi) Sum = (pi - 1 + 2 - pi) = 1

How do you find the form of pi?

The circumference of any circle divided by its diameter is the value of pi which is an irrational number.

What is the closer fraction near pi?

we can find rational numbers how much nearer to pi by constructing a number which has large repeating block as pi

Do you think we will ever find the last digit of pi with the exhaustion method why?

There is no last digit of pi. It is possible to calculate the digits of pi an infinite number of times. The one millionth number is 5.

How do you find the diameter with the cuircumference?

If you mean for a circle, multiply the circumference times pi. The number pi is approximately 3.1416.