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yes actually you could find someone attractive but not be attracted to them. its like you find someone cute, but your not into them because you don't see something that your interested in them. or you maybe you find someone with great personalities and really hot, but still, there's something about them that you're not seeking. don't waste your time trying to think what's this "thing" you're seeking for in somebody, because no one will actually know what it is, it's just a feeling our hearts feel that we can't actually explain toward someone. i really hope i helped, even if only a little

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Q: Can you find someone attractive but not be attracted to them and what is the difference between the two?
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Yes. You are most likely attracted to their body but you are unatracted to their attitude. Or the oposite, attracted to ersonality and unatracted to their body. Was that helpful???

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No, the word 'attractive' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun (an attractive offer, an attractive decor).The noun form of the adjective 'attractive' is attractiveness.

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It just hurts in general when you know someone does not find you attractive or appealing anymore.

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