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Yes, the mode is the "most popular" score of an array. It is possible to find the mode for categorical data that has more than 2 responses to the question.

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Q: Can you find the mode only for categorical data?
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Can you only use mode to describe categorical data?


Which measure summarizes all of the values of a data set with a single number?

The central tendency can be summarised by the mode, median or mean. For qualitative data, only the mode is available.The central tendency can be summarised by the mode, median or mean. For qualitative data, only the mode is available.The central tendency can be summarised by the mode, median or mean. For qualitative data, only the mode is available.The central tendency can be summarised by the mode, median or mean. For qualitative data, only the mode is available.

What is the unique mode?

When there is only one mode in a data set.

In math will there always be a mode?

If in a data set, each data point is only used once, then there is no mode.

What is the easiest to compute mean median or mode?

The mode is the only one of these measure which can be used with qualitative data: the mean or median are impossible to compute. Also, for a data set consisting of a relatively small number of observations of a discrete variable the mode or modal class is the easiest to find.

When can a set of data have no mode?

When each value occurs only once in the data set.

What is the mode of this data set 1 45 67 89 101?

There is no mode of this data set because each number appears only once. For a data set to have a mode, at least one number must appear more than once. The mode of a data set is the number that appears the most.Think: mode, most

How do you do mode?

A mode is a most frequent number in a data set. A data set may have multiple modes. If each different number of a set occurs only once, then that set has no mode.

What do you do when you finish cabela's outdoor adventures how do you replay missions?

in that data you can only hunt in trophy mode but you can play story mode again by create a new data

How can you get mode if you only have two modal classes only?

Then the collected data is bi-modal

The only measure of central tendency that can be found for nominal data is the?


Does every data set have a mode?

Data sets only have modes if at least one number repeats.