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Yes I can. Where the lines intersect, (7 - 3x) = (2x - 3). Add (3 + 3x) to both sides of this equation, giving: 10 = 5x or x = 2. Plug x=2 back into either one of the given equations to find 'Y'. If we've done our work correctly, we should get the same 'Y' regardless of which equation we plug x=2 into. And in fact we do: From the first one: Y = 7 - 3x = 7 - (3 times 2) = 7 - 6 = 1 From the second one: Y = 2x - 3 = (2 times 2) - 3 = 4 - 3 = 1 So the two lines intersect at the point ( 2, 1 ).

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Q: Can you find the point of intersection of the lines with equations y equals 7-3x and y equals 2x-3?
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