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You can if you want to. It's called masturbating & is normal.

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Q: Can you finger yourself when your twelve?
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What does it mean when you have finger you're self and you are twelve?

Means you are becoming a woman

Should you poop before you finger yourself?

Well you could, but you finger your vagina.

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finger yourself

Can you get prgnant if you poke yourself with your finger?


How many fans do arsenal have?

Twelve, including yourself.

How old so you have to be to be able to finger yourself?


How do you make yourself wet when you finger yourself?

It will come naturally if you are turned on enough. Relax and enjoy.

Why were mathematics based on base 60 important?

Mathematicians like to say that 60 is a "good" number for a base because it has so many factors. That is putting the cart before the horse. A more likely explanation is that it was used by busy farmers, traders etc. as an easy way to count large numbers of animals or vegetables by using what was always available - the human hands. Sixty is a number arrived at when tallying using human hands. The four fingers are to count off twelve (the thumb is used as a pointer - each finger has three segments 3x4=12). Once you have counted off twelve you use the fingers and thumb of the other hand to keep a record (for example curl in your thumb for the first twelve, your index finger for the second twelve, the middle finger for the third twelve, the ring finger for the fourth twelve and the small finger for the fifth twelve). When you have counted off five dozen you have sixty- 12x5=60 It was a counting system that grew out of real people in the real world addressing everyday problems.

What creams can you finger yourself with?

baby oil works good.

How do you spank yourself?

yes put your finger in your rectum and twirl

Why dont you moan when you finger yourself?

For the same reason you can't make yourself laugh by tickling yourself. Your brain keeps you from "losing control".

How many baseball teams were there west of the Mississippi river in 1995?

Do it yourself