You can get held back in any grade if you don't work hard enough to learn the material properly. You can't get by if you don't know enough to go to the next grade.
1st unless they have been held back, in which if they have probably in kindergarten.
The same grade as you are in. (:
sevened grade unless you get held back
You can be held back as many times as you don't meet the requirements of the grade
i just got out of school today and looked at my end of the year report card and i got held back in 7th grade and i was wondering how to get moved up a grade so i can get back with my class it is very hard,you have to get straight A's in all your courses, also you might need to consult your counsler or teacher.
1st unless they have been held back, in which if they have probably in kindergarten.
yes, she was held back in the fourth grade.
The same grade as you are in. (:
you have to retake the 8th grade because there is obviously a reason why your parents held you back
yes he was held back infourth grade
sevened grade unless you get held back
You can be held back as many times as you don't meet the requirements of the grade
yes they can cause if they dont pass a grade they get held back but to be a 17 year old in grade 7 they would have to not pass many grades.
Yes if they have mental problems or they are not ready or too immature they can be held back.
yes he is 10 and in 3rd grade
next year. in less you get held back?