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Q: Can you get held back more than one time?
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more than likey the same time there were held at 2008's aug 7-10 idk just guessing will find out more and edit post peace homies mmfwcl

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Countrywide reverse Mortgage rates are sometimes the same as local rates. However, most of the time they are much more superior than local rates because they are held at banks rather than being held locally.

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What would happen if you went back in time and then killed the guy that invented the Time machine?

More than likely it would become a back and forth thing since he could do the same. Another answer: The Time Machine will cease to exist, you would never heard about the time machine and never gone back in time. Simple as that.

When is the best time of year to cut back bushes and shrubs Can you trim them more than once a year?

The usual answer is immediately after they have flowered. If you prune them more than once a year they are called a hedge.

Who else during the time of the Prophet Muhammad had more than one wife?

Lots of men did. Polygamy was very common back then.

Does Apple's Time Capsule back up more than one mac machine?

Time Capsule will back up the contents of every Mac on your network providing they are running Mac OS X 10.5 - Leopard.

How long can you be held before being extradited to another state?

The Constitution of the United States says you can not be held for more than thirty days if the warrant state does not pick you up you are to be released, however some states have extended that time period to ninety days

When was Oklahoma land run held?

The Land Run was held in 1889.

What is used to make an item look larger and is a handheld instrument?

It is a magnifying glass. A microscope is also used but is not technically hand-held and the majority of the time has more than one lens.