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Q: Can you give me 10 infractions and how many demerit points it will cost the driver for each?
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Im from California you want to know if you get a point on your record for loud music and modified exhuast?

These type of infractions are considered "equipment or mechanical" therefore they SHOULD not cost you any driving points. driving points are for bad operator driving. Y-THINK-Y

What is a cost driver?

A cost driver is a factor that causes variations in a cost.

Example of cost driver?

cost driver examples

How many points before you are considered a bad driver?

Whether you're a good driver or bad driver really doesn't depend on the amount of points on your licence. Just because you don't get caught, it doesn't make you a good driver. For the purposes of employment in a driving job, most employers will refuse to hire you if you have more than three points in three years - the cost to insure you rises exponentially past that point, as will you own policy on your personal vehicle.

How many points on your driving record indicate a negligent driver?

In my experience, 1 point may be OK. 2 or more points brings attention. Over 4 points, it will cost you extra for an insurance policy.

How would you define a cost driver?

The term "cost driver" refers to the activity that causes cost to change.

How much do points cost?

It will vary how much points you want. 2000 points cost 20 dollars, 5000 cost 50 dollars and so on. (2000 points and 5000 points were just an example).

What is cost driver and cost pool?

Cost driver is the basic activity which increases the or utilize the cost while cost pool is that in which all costs are jointly shown for example machine setup cost is cost driver while over all overheads is cost pool.

What is formula of apportioned cost?

The formula for apportioned cost is: Apportioned Cost = Total Cost × (Cost Driver for specific department ÷ Total Cost Driver for all departments)

Is cost allocation base a cost driver?

Yes, it is. When used for allocating costs, a cost driver is often called a cost-allocation base

What is cost driver of customer service cost?

One driver: FFR = field failure rate.

How much 3600 Microsoft points cost?

3600 Microsoft points cost £31.87