It depends on the shape of the cylinder, I assume it's a cylinder you regard to, it can be more flat and short or high and thin, base area x hight = volume
Multiply its length three times as for example length*length*length will give you the answer in cubic inches
Okay, this is a pretty easy formula, especially because you are working with liquid, and volume is the unit of measurement used mainly in science and math, as well as other areas and fields of study, to measure different types of liquids. So let's get started. First let's start by measuring top to bottom (height), side to side (width), then measure front to back (depth), ( some people consider top to bottom the depth, when measuring in volumes, side to side as the length and front to back as width. So its however you prefer, as long as the measurements are accurate). Now multiply the height x width x depth = volume per cubic inches. To convert volume into gallons first you have to understand that 1 gallon is equal to 231 cubic inches. If you can remember that, you will never have a problem converting volume per cubic inch into gallons, again. Now take the volume and divide it by 231 c/i. This will give you the amount of gallons out of the total amount of volume per cubic inches. IE. height = 10" width = 20" depth = 12" So, 10" x 20" x 12" = 2400 c/i Next, divide 2400 by 231 for the answer in gallons. 2400/231=10.38 gal. So a rectangular tank with these dimensions of volume per cubic inch would have a capacity of 10.38 gallons. (These measurements were taken of my fish tank, so this is a factual equation) I hope this is easy and simple enough for everyone to comprehend. And remember the only stupid question is the question not asked. _---__---_---_---_---_---_---_ I may have answered the question backwards and if i did i apologize. To get volume from gallons first understand that the unit of measurements used to measure liquids are measured in volumes. So from the previous answer we learned that 1 gallon is equal to a volume of 231 cubic inches. Now I don't know the conversion you're looking for to get volume from gallons, so I'll give you the volume in cubic inches. Hit me up if you need it in another converted measurement and I'll get back to you. But for now; If 1 gallon equals 231 cubic inches, and there is 4 quarts in a gallon, than the total cubic inches in a quart would be about 57.75. The equation would be the cubic inches in a gallon divided by 4 quarts = 57.75 cubic inches in a quart. Cubic inches in a pint would be this equation. There's 2 pints in a quart, so you the cubic inches in your quart (57.75) and divide it by the amount of pints in a quart (2) which would give you a total of 28.875 cubic inches. I.e. First divide the cubic inches in a gallon by the amount of quarts in a gallon: 57.75 c/i Now divide the cubic inches in 1 quart by the amount of pints in a quart which is 2: 57.75 / 2pt. = 28.875 c/i So there is 28.875 c/i in a pint. Hope this helps...
Multiplying the length times the width, times the heighth- will give you the volume of the cubic measurement of a box.
I can't give you cubic feet but here it the sq milage33.77 sq milesAlso "cubic area" is incorrect usage, a cubic measurement is a measurement of volume!
None. Because 'yars' is a linear measure. You need a 'Cubic' measure. You gave two dimensions a length and a width. However, you also need to know the depth, in order to give you the volume of concrete needed in 'cubic feet'. To convert 'cubic feet' to 'cubic yards' divde cubic feet by '27'.
multiply 37 x 11, and then multiply the answer by 17, that will give you the volume in cubic inches.
Multiply its length three times as for example length*length*length will give you the answer in cubic inches
A dollar bill measures approximately 2.61 inches wide, 6.14 inches long, and 0.0043 inches thick. To convert this to cubic feet, you would need to multiply these dimensions together and then convert to cubic feet. This would give you a very small volume, as a dollar bill is thin.
Answer - How to convert feet and inchesThere is a great website,, that can automatically convert dozens of measures. Give it a try. ======================================To calculate volume requires three dimensions. The calculation of volume isaccomplished by multiplying the length times the width times the height [ordepth] of a three dimensional object.
The volume of a refrigerator is typically measured in cubic feet. To convert 106.9557682 Kenmore refrigerator to cubic feet, you would divide by 1728 (since 1 cubic foot is equal to 1728 cubic inches). This conversion will give you the refrigerator's volume in cubic feet.
You are asking for square footage, but you are giving enough information for a measure of volume in cubic inches. Given a regular rectangular shape, 48 inches by 42 inches would give you 2016 square inches. Multiplying this by 38 inches would give you 76,608 cubic inches.
It is not possible to give a definitive answer because the units of measurement used in the question are not given. But, assuming that the dimensions are in inches, a 30 x 30 x 66 fridge has a volume of 34.38 cubic feet.
To find the volume in cubic feet, you first convert all measurements to feet. 30 inches = 2.5 feet 15 inches = 1.25 feet 12 and 3/4 inches = 1.0625 feet Then, multiply the three dimensions together to get the volume in cubic feet. 2.5 ft x 1.25 ft x 1.0625 ft = 3.5156 cubic feet.
You can't simply convert cubic inches to square inches, as cubic inches measure volume and square inches measure area. If you have a cube with sides measured in inches, finding the square inches of one of its faces will give you the area.
12 inches long, 12 inches wide, nd 9 inches high
First, figure out how many cubic inches are in a cubic foot. A cubic foot is 12 inches x 12 inches x 12 inches, so 12x12x12= the number of cubic inches in one cubic foot. You then multiply the number of cubic inches on one cubic foot by the total number of cubic feet (which in this case is 8) and that will give you the total number of cubic inches in 8 cubic feet. That's a method you can use, now it's up to you to do the math!
A cubic inch in a measure of volume - in 3-dimensional space. The only information provided is that for 2 dimensions - that is, an area. It is therefore impossible to give a sensible answer.