The plugs are different. The prongs are straight on one and angled on the other. The wire and breaker are the same. You can either change the outlet or the cord.
Multiple wires can be connected to one breaker but the one breaker IS a circuit. As long as the load is not more than 80% of the breaker capacity (example: a 20 amp breaker can only have 16 amps or 1920 watts at 120 volts) then by code as long as the load is not a specialty outlet of some sort, you can have as many outlets you want.
You can't wire 2 beedrooms on one breaker.
The shower is one example.
When wiring a house, GFI plugs are strategically placed in areas that can be tripped by water. For example: in bathrooms, in garages, etc. There are certain areas that do not require GFI plugs. A refrigerator is one device that is usually on its own breaker and does not require a GFI plug. My recommendation is to locate where the refrigerator is. If it is in the house remove it and replace it with a non GFI plug.
The areas that should be protected - Exterior plugs, garage plugs, plugs next to a sink or tub. Kitchen and / or island plugs. Remember, one plug can protect an entire circut.
Yes but the breaker would be at your electrical panel, they do not have a breaker connected to the garbage disposal but they do have a reset button on the bottom of the garbage disposal. Most modern homes also have a GFI outlet linked to the garbage disposal. If your disposal is tripping breakers or GFI outlets I would consider that something is very wrong with your disposal, or you installed one with to much power!
If the outlet cover was held open by the lights it could be wet. A smal amount of water will cause a GFI to trip. A GFI is a device which makes certain that voltage is not draining away from the two wires, to some OTHER voltage drain, such as a human body or a wet circuit. if above not the answer go to your breaker box and find the breaker that controls that circuit. you will know when you have the right one when the breaker does nothing, not even trip it self. see what else is on that circuit {what else turns off when main breaker is tripped and unplug everything that is on that circuit then turn on the main breaker. try the reset with everything else off if it still trips then its the gfi itself. they go bad often on construction sites [my own personal experience] if it resets properly than one of the other things on that circuit is the culprit. replug or turn them on one at a time. the breaker will trip if its one of these. if not replace the breaker. pretty cheap at lowes or home depot. turn off main breaker when you replace it. lots of luck!!
If the GFI that is tripping is a different circuit, there is electrical leakage between the circuit the GFI is controlling, and the dryer circuit. It is possible that there is some cross wiring in the electrical box. I would strongly recommend getting a licensed electrician to look at it, preferably before you have a fire. If the GFI is the same circuit as the one where the dryer is plugged in, you might want to have the dryer checked for leakage to ground. You should also check the dryer circuit's rating against the rating of the breaker in its circuit. A dryer typically takes 30A on usually a single two-gang breaker; if you have a larger dryer that pulls, say, 45A, a 30A breaker will always pop. It sounds to me like a bad electrician has, instead of buying a proper two-gang 30-A breaker, installed your dryer across two circuits, one being the garage GFI circuit; the dryer, because it pulls 220V, pulls an unbalanced load across the GFI and triggers it, and the other circuit breaker is triggered because it loses the extra power provided through the GFI. I cannot emphasize this enough: get this checked out and fixed. Now. Before you get a house fire.
Don't ! get another GFI plug. there 4 dollars and the instructions come with it
If the breaker was not tripped and the power is out in just one room, the issue could be a problem with a faulty outlet, a loose connection in the wiring, a broken switch, or a damaged electrical fixture in that specific room. It is recommended to have a qualified electrician check the wiring and outlets in the room to identify and fix the problem.
Proably due to a GFCI breaker located in an outlet either in the bathroom or on the same circuit, possibly in another room like the kitchen or other bathroom. You will see the button on the outlet....
The GFI outlet was there for a reason, such as a bathroom or other location around water where there is more risk of a shock being harmful or lethal. If it was a GFI, keep it a GFI. Also that outlet may be protecting other standard outlets being fed from the GFI. You can only after the house has passed inspection after the house was finished being built. It's a requirement that all new houses have to have a GFI wherever there's water, but it's perfectly legal once you buy the house to do this modification. However, it's highly not recommended unless there's more than one GFI outlet hooked up to the same circuit. If there's more than one, it's optional to take one off and replace it with a standard outlet because you really only need 1 GFI outlet to protect the rest of the outlets on the same circuit. But if it's already there, just leave it as is. Example: power box>GFI>normal>normal>GFI>normal; end; You can take off the second GFI and and every normal non-GFI outlet will function like GFI. If you take off the left one, only the last normal outlet will be GFI protected, the ons to the left wouldn't.
On a 15 amp household breaker there is no terminal on the in feed of the breaker. The breaker either plugs into the distribution panel's bus bar or it bolts to the distribution's bus bars. The feed conductor connects to the load side of the breaker at its terminal lug.
The issues with the GFI not working in the kitchen, the master bath GFI tripping and not resetting, and the kitchen GFI resetting but not working may indicate electrical problems such as a faulty GFI outlet, water leakage causing short circuits, or overloaded circuits. It's important to have a licensed electrician inspect and repair the electrical system to ensure safety and compliance with electrical codes.
A tripped circuit is typically identified by a switch in the electrical panel that is in the "off" position, or a fuse that is visibly blown. You can reset a tripped circuit by flipping the switch back on or replacing the blown fuse. Make sure to investigate the cause of the trip before resetting to prevent any potential hazards.