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Q: Can you have a period with the coil in even if you haven't had one for 4 years?
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Can girls produce discharge even if they havent started their period?

Yes (:

If there is crusty stuffand wet stuff in your underwear what does it mean i havent gotten my period eitheri havent even started it?

if it is white or clear it means that you are now going into the stage called puberty.

How old have ya got to be to have a baby?

no age limmit, you can even have it b4 your period. some girls have even had it at the age of 12!!! I am 13 and a half and I still havent had my period, I could still get pregnant.

If you missed a whole pack of your birth controland you know are not pregnant can you start a new pack even though you haven't had a period yet?

If you havent had sex then yes, you can start them whenever.

Just got off implanon and still havent came on period can i still get pregnant without knowing when im supposed to come on?

Yes, if you're not using birth control, you can get pregnant, even before your first post-implant period.

Is it bad if you havent got your period for over a year but has gotten it before?

same thing happened too me :) but i asked my mom if it was normal and she said yes . i had my first period for a day and it wasnt even THATT bad . so it was a light flow .

What does it mean if you have started your period in the space of 2 weeks of your last period?

its just irregular, this is normal for the first years, up to 3 or even 4 years until your period cycle will become normal.

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he isn't a hero i havent even hard of him

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shooting havent even started

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That 1000 years is called the Middle Ages, medieval period, or even Age of Faith.

What was the 1000 year period called after the fall of Rome?

That 1000 years is called the Middle Ages, medieval period, or even Age of Faith.

Can you have your period when your 11 years old?

Yes, every girls period comes at a different time. Even if your 11. It's totally natural.