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Yes, and it will be 0.

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Q: Can you have a standard deviation with just one number?
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Related questions

What is the standard deviation of 9?

You need more than one number to calculate a standard deviation, so 9 does not have a standard deviation.

What are the standard deviation of Barclays bank?

The Bank, itself does not have a standard deviation. The number of branches, the number of customers, lending, profits, CEO's pay are all variables which will have standard deviations but none of them are mentioned. It is not possible to guess which one you are interested in!

Is it possible that the standard deviation is less than one?

Yes, a standard deviation can be less than one.

In practice which one do you think is easier to adjust the mean or the standard deviation?

the standard deviation

Can standard deviation assume a negative value?

No. It is defined to be the positive square root of ((the sum squared deviation divided by (the number of observations less one))

What is the standard deviation of 1.6 kilometers?

One can't associate a standard deviation with a single measurement like this.

What does one standard deviation mean?

Standard deviation is a measure of variation from the mean of a data set. 1 standard deviation from the mean (which is usually + and - from mean) contains 68% of the data.

What are the characteristics of standard deviation?

There are a few characteristics of standard deviation. Standard deviation means that something is predictably doing something other than what it typically does. One characteristic is that it is frequent.

How do you find standard deviation?

First, you need to determine the mean. Then, subtract the mean from every number you have. The SQUARE all your numbers. Add up all of the resulting squares to get their total sum. Divide by one less then the total numbers you have (if you have 6 numbers you will divde by five) To get the standard deviation, just take the square root of the resulting number

How does standard deviation of 0 affect statistical significance?

Standard deviation of 0 can only be attained if all observations are identical. That is, the variable in question has just one possible value so statistical considerations are irrelevant.

How do you find z score are of 0.79?

To get a z-score one needs a standard deviation and a mean as well as the number.

How is standard deviation different from mean absolute decation?

If I have understood the question correctly, despite your challenging spelling, the standard deviation is the square root of the average of the squared deviations while the mean absolute deviation is the average of the deviation. One consequence of this difference is that a large deviation affects the standard deviation more than it affects the mean absolute deviation.