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Q: Can you help me A circle can be drawn inside a square so that the circle just touches all four sides of the square If the square has an area of 25sq cms what is the radius of the circle?
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How do you find the radius of a circle inside a square?

The same as half the side of the square, as the radius of the circle is half its diameter, and the diameter of the circle is equal to the side of the square.

If a circle is placed inside an 800ft squared area what is the radius of the circle?

Well, since the circle is inside the square, the edges of the square define the limits of the circle. Since we have a square, the length of each side is the square root of 800ft. The radius of the circle is half the length of the sides. Therefore, the answer is half of (the square root of 800), which makes for an ugly radius value of "14.142135623730950488016887242097" ft

What is the area of the square if the circles radius is 3 inches?

If the square touches the circle from the outside then its area is 6*6 = 36 square inches

What is the area of a square inside a circle where the radius of the circle is 2 inches?

1/2 inch

What is the measure inside of the circle?

It is its square area which is found by pi*radius squared

What is the measure of the inside of a circle?

It is its square area which is found by pi*radius squared

What is the measure of the inside of the circle?

It is its square area which is found by pi*radius squared

How many squares can you fit inside a circle with a radius?

Area of a circle = pi*radius2 in square units

How do you find the radius of an inscribed circle of a square given the area of the square?

Half the square root of the square radius equals the circle radius.

What is a radius square?

When you try to figure out an area of a circle, you square the radius, then multiply it by pi to get the area of a circle. A radius square is radius x radius, or radius squared.

What is the number of square units occupied by the space inside the circle?

Pie x radius squared You must know the radius.

How many curved side does a square have?

None normally unless its vertices touches the circumference inside circle.