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Yes. It doesn't matter if it is frozen. Just cup your hands and then pour water into it.

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Q: Can you hold water
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They hold 5ml of water.

How much water can a shaduf hold?

I can hold 20 liters of water.

What has holes but hold water?

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How do plants hold water?

Cactus plants hold water temporarily in their roots. They also hold it temporarily on their modified leaves. They hold it permanently in their stems.

What is a structure built across the water to hold water back?

A dam is a structure built across the water to hold water back.

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It doesn't hold any water.

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Does water of a bathtub hold 350 ml?

Assuming that you are asking does a bathtub hold 350 ml of water: 350 ml of water is not very much water, a typical water bottle that you hold in your hand has more than 350 ml of water in it, so a bathtub big enough to hold a person will hold many times that much.

What does airs ability to hold on to water depend on?

The ability of air to hold onto water depends on the temperature and pressure of the air. Warmer air can hold more water vapor than cooler air, while higher pressure allows air to hold more water vapor than lower pressure. This capacity to hold water vapor is known as the air's "humidity."

How much water can a pad hold?

45ml of of water, but blood is thicker and it can hold 55ml of blood

How much water can a sponge hold?

the sponge can hold up to about 40 percent of the water from the bowl.