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Q: Can you imagine the world without circle?
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Can you Imagine The World Without 3d Shapes?

Yes because your imagination can imagine anything.

How do you put imagine in a sentence?

Can you imagine a world without computers? She imagined the exam would be easy.

How popular is the computer?

it is very popular in todays world. without it you cannot imagine the future anymore.

What does circumference look like?

Of a circle? It's the perimeter of the circle. Imagine putting measuring tape around a circle, the you would get a circumference

Make a sentence using 'imagine'?

I wasn't thrilled about getting a puppy last summer, but now I can't imagine life without her. Can you imagine living in a perfect world? The child tried to imagine Santa Claus sliding down the chimney.

Who is inventor of 0?

the great Indian,aryabhatta without this we cant imagine the world ,no innovations ,no experiments and nothing

What could Elie imagine a better universe without?

Elie could imagine a better universe without suffering, injustice, and hatred. In such a universe, peace, harmony, and love would prevail, creating a more compassionate and empathetic world.

How can you Imagine today's world without telecommunication link?

no sosial fb... no twitter an bla, bla, bla

What items are needed for the completion of a Shamans Circle?

The knowledge of the shaman because without this knwoledge the circle is just a circle. The knowledge of the shaman because without this knwoledge the circle is just a circle. The knowledge of the shaman because without this knwoledge the circle is just a circle.