10^29 plus 10^12. The more common name for 10^12 is a trillion. There is no common name for 10^29.
10 to the 63rd power
A decagon
The distance which is 10^-3 larger is 1.003 metres, and there is no specific name for it. The name of the distance which is 10^-3 times as large (not the same thing!) is a millimetre.
The decagon is a 10-sided polygon.
why is fair trade good for LEDCs
ledcs ask medcs for money if they need it but over time, medcs charge more and more interest and so the ledcs can't pay it back. medcs also bargain for their resources so when the ledcs are left in debt, with no control over their resources, they end up in poverty.
There are many Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs) worldwide, but the exact number can vary depending on the source or classification. The United Nations lists over 30 countries as Least Developed Countries (LDCs), which generally align with the concept of LEDCs.
it comes from a LEDCS
in LEDCs (less economically developed countries)
LEDC because it has faming in it and ...
it give out aid to other country's like LEDCs
Yes and No
Being a less economically developed country (LEDC) does not necessarily mean that a country will always be poor. With the right policies, investments, and development strategies, LEDCs can improve their economic condition and standard of living over time. Many LEDCs have made progress in recent years in terms of economic growth and poverty reduction.