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Q: Can you pick mussells in the months that have an r?
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What fraction of the names of the months in the year end int he letter R?

For their names in the English language the answer is 4/12.

The relationship amoung speed distance and time is given by which formula?

Distance = speed * time a.k.a. distance = rate * time a.k.a. d=rt or r=d/t or t=d/r take your pick

Formula for EMI?

E= P x r x (1 + r)n / ((1+r)n -1) Here p=principal amount r = interesr rate per month(ex: if interest rate per annum is 10% then 10/(12*100)) n= tenure in months

How many combinations can be made from 5 items taken 3 at a time?

The answer is 60 different ways.Assuming that the items are not replaced after each pick, so on the first pick you could pick from five, the second four and the third from three.Achieved via nCr where n is the total number of choices, and r is the amount picked.5C1 * 4C1 * 3C1 = 60.

Which country has 13 months in a year?

Its Not UAE...The only country in the world with 13 months is Ethiopia...Ethiopia is in east africa...Sometimes people say 13 months of sunshine..The 13 month only contains 6 or 7 days...Every month has exactly 30 days there is no 28 , 31 or 32! I hope you learnt alot from that!- some guy uh well every month has 4 weeks and there r 52 weeks in a year and 13 times 4 epuals 52 meaing there r 13 months just ppl r scared of the 13th month they just mader a mistake-annomus ____________________________ The Hebrew calendar is luni-solar; the months are lunar, and the new moon is the first of the month. To keep the Hebrew calendar roughly synched with the solar calendar, we add a "leap month" every 5-6 years. This is one of the "leap years", so there will be 13 lunar months in the year.

Related questions

What months can you eat shrimp?

you can eat all shell fish in month's that have the letter r in them, in the warm months the can pick up nasty bacteria and even "red tide" which can really be harm full or even fatal.l

What color lips do New Zealand mussells have?

Kuku (Perna caniculus) is known as the green-lipped mussel.

How many days is in 18 months?

depends on which 18 months you pick

What are the names of the months that contain the letter R?

The months are:DecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilSeptemberOctoberNovember

What months have an R in them?


Which months have R's in there names?

8 months have R's in their names. They are: January, February, March, April, September, October, November, and December.

What months to pick mussels?

The best months to pick mussels are typically fall and winter, as they are at their peak quality during these cooler months. Make sure to check local regulations and closures before harvesting mussels to ensure they are safe to eat.

What months do you eat oysters?

you should eat oysters only in months with an "R"

What month has an R as the third letter?

Months where 'R' is the third letter are:MarchApril

How do you throw a watermelon in Spongebob battle for bikini bottom?

You have to push R to pick up the watermelon and through it to a button then if you want to through it you push R.

Is it true that you can go crabbing in months with the letter R in them?


Who was the first pick in the 1990 NHL Draft?

Owen Nolan (R)