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yes but i makes a mess when you open it and it might make babys

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Q: Can you put your alien egg in the freezer for 6 hours?
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Do you put the egg of the alien from the planet scardox in the freezer with the egg off it?

well if you want it to be big you can put it in the freezer if you want to.But I don't want to because I thing something will happen to it

Can you put your baby alien in the freezer in an adult egg without it dying?

I think so! And it may make babies!

Should you put your alien in the freezer?


what will happen if you put your alien with the goo in the water with out the egg?

Jelly-like aliens in a plastic egg are a popular toy for young children. The aim of the toy is to place the egg in water and within 48 hours the alien will grow. If you put your alien with the goo in the water without the egg, it may get damaged and lose some of its shape.

Can a gooey alien have a baby alien with a scardox alien?

yes but you have to put them back to back and put them in the same egg /fridge

When you put your goo alien in the freezer do you leave the goo with it?

No, you should not leave the goo alien in the freezer with the goo. Freezing the goo could damage it and possibly alter its texture or properties. It's best to remove the goo from the alien before placing it in the freezer.

Can you put your alien with goo in water with out the egg?

You should no put an Alien with Goo in water without the egg. The water will damage the goo and it will no longer be usable.

How gooey aliens have aliens?

Well basically you rub two adults backs 2gether or put them in the same egg and then they might go preg. After that the pregnant aliens head might turn a different colour. This is all part of the process next u either pull put the baby when it's ready or stick it in the freezer also put the alien tht gave birth in the freezer after he/she gives birth 

How do you get Play-Doh hard?

put it in the freezer for 4-6 hours

How do you make scardox aliens have babies?

the aliens die if you put them in the freezer wait until alien ready then push babies out

How do you make more goo for a scardox alien?

First you open the shell then take the alien out and put it in the clear part , then put 2 big squirts of shampoo in a teaspoon of tooth Paste , hair die ( to colour the goo ) I tried red , then get a spoon and mix it leave it in the freezer for 48 hours then wen you get it out let it melt I have done it loads of times

How long do you put a egg in milk?

you put it for 24 hours