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Q: Can you read a TB skin test after 72 hours?
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How long does it take to get a TB test?

The skin test takes just a minute to administer.

If you read 8 pages in one hour how many hours would it take to read 72 pages?

It would take 9 hours to read 72 pages. You can calculate this by dividing the total number of pages to be read (72) by the number of pages read in one hour (8).

How is the two step Mantoux test done?

Your doctor or nurse will perform a TB test by injection a solution called PPD under the skin of your forearm. You will have to go back 48 - 72 hours later to have it read (see if your skin reacted). Then one week later they do another TB test repeating the same procedure of injecting and then reading it 2 or 3 days later.

How is the two-step Mantoux test done?

Your doctor or nurse will perform a TB test by injection a solution called PPD under the skin of your forearm. You will have to go back 48 - 72 hours later to have it read (see if your skin reacted). Then one week later they do another TB test repeating the same procedure of injecting and then reading it 2 or 3 days later.

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24-72 hours

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72 hours

How long can an egt test go back for alcohol?

About 72 hours.

How far back can a urine test detect cocane?

72 hours

Has anyone passed a etg test?

I passed an etg test 50 hours after drinking heavily. Everyone metabolizes at a different speed. The 72-80 hours detection is for extreme cases and not the norm. It is possible to test positive after 72 hours but it is rare. After 48 hours the percentages of detection drop greatly.

How long does methamphetamine stay in your saliva if you had to take a swab test?

1-4 days

Can isopropol be absorbed through the skin when using it for French polishing making you over the limit for drink driving?

No, but it could cause you to fail a urine test for alcohol for a period of about 72 hours.

What is a PPD skin test used to diagnose?

The PPD test is a test that is administered by physicians in order to diagnose silent tuberculosis. This can be done in a doctor's office where PPT is injected under the top layer of skin. After 48 to 72 hours you must return to have the doctor check and see if there has been a reaction to the test. This test will assist in finding out if you have ever come in contact with the bacteria that causes tuberculosis.