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Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "times", "equals", "squared", "cubed" etc.

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How do you graph the equation y-x 3?

To graph the equation y-x=3, first rearrange it in slope-intercept form by isolating y: y=x+3. This equation represents a line with a slope of 1 and y-intercept of 3. You can plot the y-intercept at (0,3) then use the slope to find another point and draw a straight line connecting the two points.

How do you change slope intercept to standard form?

Slope intercept form: y = mx + c where m and c are constants. Subtract y from both sides: 0 = mx + c -y Rearrange: 0 = mx - y + c = standard form.

Where does y-3x plus 3 equals 0 cross the x axis?

rearrange: y = 3x - 3, which crosses the x-axis when y = 0, ie when x = 1

What is the slope of the graph of the equation 4x-3y equals 9?

First rearrange the equation into the form y = mx + c 4x - 3y = 9 3y = 4x - 9 y = (4/3)x - (9/3) Remember for y = mx + c that ' m ' the slope/gradient , and ' c ' is the y-intercept. Hence the slo[pe is (4/3) y- intercept is 9/3 = 3

What are the points of intersection of x - y equals 2 and x square - 4y square equals 5?

Rearrange the first equation to y = 2-x and then substitute this into the second equation to form the quadratic equation: -3y2+4y-1 = 0 and when solved y = 3 or y = 1/3 Points of intersection are: (3,1) and (2 and 1/3, 1/3)

What is the answer to y equals y equals -3-x?

There can be no answer. y = y is an identity - a statement that is true for all values of y. That leaves y = - 3 - x. It is not possible to solve one linear equation in two unknown variables (x and y). You can only rearrange the equation: for example, to x+y+3=0.

What is the slope of 4x plus 3y equals 3?

To find the slope, you have to solve for Y. The equation is: 4x+3y=3. 1. Subtrace 4x from both sides and you get: 3y=3-4x 2. Divide both sides by 3 so you get: y=(3-4x)/3 3. Simplify: y=1-(4/3)x 4. Rearrange so it is in y=mx+b form: y=-(4/3)x+1 Your slope is the coefficient (or number) in front of the X after you have solved it like this. So, your slope is: -4/3

What is y-4x plus 3 in standard form?

If you mean y = -x+3 then it is x+y-3 = 0 in standard form

What is slope y-intercept of y -7x 3?

To figure out the slope and y-intercept of y-7x=3, rearrange the equation in to slope-intercept form, or y=mx+b. Y-7x=3 rearranged is y=7x+3. The slope is the coefficient with x, so here it's 7, or 7/1. This means for every seven units the lines goes up, it goes to the right once. To figure out the y-intercept (the point where the line crosses the y-axis) punch the equation into a graphing calculator or graph it manually. In this equation, the y-intercept is (-1/2, 0).

How would i Solve the system x plus y equals 9comma -3 equals 2x - y?

Rearrange the second equation to read 2x - y = -3Add the two equations: 3x = 6:Divide by 3: x = 2 so y = 7

How do you rearrange x equals y to the power of b so that y is the subject?

you cant

How do you solve 4x plus y equals 70?

Solve for what? Do you want to rearrange the equation for y to be a function of x? y = 70 - 4x Do you want to rearrange it as a function of y? x = (70 - y) / 4 You'll need to be more specific in exactly what you want done.