110 / 495 in lowest terms = 2/9
It is: 126/162 = 7/9 simplified
It is: 144/162 = 8/9 simplified
27/162 = 1/6
62 over 495 is the same as 62 divided by 495: 62 / 495 = 0.12525252525253
Cannot be done.
162/258 = 27/43
4/27 + 5/6 = 24/162 + 135/162 = 159/162 = 53/54
363/495 = 11/15
495/630 = 11/14 in its lowest terms
110 / 495 in lowest terms = 2/9
150/162 = 25/27
117/162 = 13/18
495 x 7 = 3,465 495 x 90 = 495 x 9 x 10 = 4,455 x 10 = 44,550 495 x 900 = 445,500 Total: 3,465 44,550 + 445,500+ 493,515 = or change 997 to 1,000 by adding 3 then 495 x 1,000 = 495,000 then reduce by 495 x 3 = 1,485 495,000 - 1,485 = 493,515