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Q: Can you say the consecutive year?
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Does Iran have presidential term limits?

Fortunately, Yes. They are limited to two consecutive and one non-consecutive five-year term.

How many times can a governor be elected in Alaska?

Four years with a two consecutive term limit.

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What date is it 450 consecutive calendar days after July 5?

Calculating 450 consecutive calendar days after July 5, we add 450 days to July 5, which gives the date October 29.

What is maximum term for Governor of Hawaii?

Two consecutive four year terms.

What year did the Baltimore Orioles lose most opening season consecutive games?

1988 ... the Orioles lost an MLB record 21 consecutive games to start the season.

What can you say about any two consecutive angles in a parallelogram?

They add up to 180 degrees.

Is repetitive an antonym for the word consecutive?

No, they're about different things. Repetitive means something is the same, time after time, with no variation. That's how people get repetitive stress syndrome. Consecutive means things are one after the other, without anything else intervening. They can be different things, like consecutive numbers, for example. They're not the same, so they're not repetitive. And something can be repetitive without being consecutive. Consider a 2-year-old who has a favorite word. If he uses it 20 times in an hour, that's repetitive, but he might say a few other things in between, so it's not consecutive.