

Best Answer

ye s you can for example you could do


so you would separate them by addition and subtraction

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Q: Can you separate parentheses on two lines?
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What are Parantheses or brackets?

Parentheses and brackets are what are known as grouping symbol. They keep two or more quantities separate from the rest of the problem. For example, n-2 180. Without parentheses the problem is wrong. But add in parentheses and the problem looks like this (n-2) times 180.

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I have an older fax/telephone combination machine and I had to have two separate phone lines. It is best to have separate lines if you do a lot of faxing.

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I think you're talking about an intersection. An intersection is where two or more separate lines meet each other in one point.

Another word for parentheses or brackets?

upright curved lines -parenthesisbrace - bracket

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What do ( ) mean in math?

Parentheses can organize numbers and separate equations in larger equations. And if parentheses are placed right after a number, it signals that the two numbers should be multiplied. Also, for reference, brackets [ ] are used before parentheses ( ). Ex- [9+4(5)] Add 9+4 [13(5)] Multiply 13x5 [13x5] Product: 65

Which comes first brackets or parentheses?

Brackets tends to be an English expression, Parentheses is used in the USA and elsewhere. Technically, Parentheses are rounded brackets but this really doesn't matter in mathematics as long as different shaped brackets/parentheses are used to separate the various elements of a mathematical expression.