Divide numerator & denominator by 2: 19/24
can you simplify 19/95
23 over 24 you can not simplify it
19 over 95 simplifies to 1 over 5.
You can divide 24/63 by 3 so it would simplify to 8/21.
Divide numerator & denominator by 2: 19/24
24 19/12 this is simplified form. you can simplify the fraction 19/21 any more
can you simplify 19/95
Yes, you can reduce 38 over 24 since these terms have the common factors of 2. Simplify that fraction to: 2 * 19 / (2 * 12) = 19 / 12
can you simplify 18 over 44
23 over 24 you can not simplify it
you do
19 over 95 simplifies to 1 over 5.
You can divide 24/63 by 3 so it would simplify to 8/21.
1/24 is in its simplest form.